Chapter 18

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Sunday. I called Aunt Adeline to tell her that I finally accepted her offer to rest. I received a text message from Matteo which read: Hey, Grey. That rhymes. Let's go hang out later. It's a great way to relax.

I smiled and replied: Sure.

We walked around Greenwich Village, exploring the neighbourhood. I feel so relaxed. It's nice to get some fresh air even though it's much fresher in my hometown. I can't wait to go home during summer vacation.

"Lexie!" I heard a familiar voice calling out to me. I looked around to see who it was but to no avail. "Lexie!" I heard again but, this time, it was clearer. Derek? I turned in the direction of the voice and saw him running towards me. "Hi, Lexie."

Of all places, why does he have to be here? "How dare you show yourself in front of me?" I replied nonchalantly. Normal people would slap him but he's not worth my time and energy.

He caught up his breath and said, "I'm so sorry, Lexie. I know my mistake now. Please forgive me. I should never have cheated on you. I should never have broken up with you."

I rolled my eyes. "As if I believe you. How do you even know that I'm here?"

"I asked around. Someone saw you leave in an expensive-looking car. I assumed your aunt picked you up. You told me that she lived and worked in New York City. Besides, your best friends study in NYU," he replied.

So he actually listened to me. I bet he only bothered because my aunt is rich. "Excellent observation. How smart of you," I said, my voice dripping in sarcasm.

"I'm very sorry, Lexie. Can you please forgive me?" he asked. "Will you be my girlfriend again? I promise I will treat you better. I promise I will never talk to Linda again. I'm willing to do whatever you tell me to do."

Oh, the audacity! I rolled my eyes. "You have very thick skin, Mr Sherwood," I laughed. "I want you to leave New York City immediately and never come back. I don't ever want to see you again. Goodbye."

"Lexie!" he hollered and grabbed my arm. "I regret breaking up with you ever since that day. I wanted to apologise but I was too proud. I thought you would come back running to me after a while but you left town—"

"Interesting. You didn't break up with me, Derek. I broke up with you. How dare you think I would run back to you? You were the unfaithful one. You were the one who fucked up, not me. Clearly, you haven't learnt from your mistakes," I spat.

He grabbed my arm once again. "Lexie—"

"Oh, and Lexie is not for you to call. You lost that privilege when you cheated on me. It's Alexia for you. Honestly, don't ever look for me again. You are sickening," I hissed and shook his hand away.

"Please, Lexie. Give me a second chance," he begged, reaching out to grab me again.

"Don't touch her," Matteo said, pushing Derek's arm away. He inspected my arm for injuries and asked, "Are you okay?"

I nodded. "What do you want, Derek? I have a boyfriend now. I hope you leave me alone from now on. You're now in my past. I've moved on and so should you." What the hell are you saying, Alexia? Matteo is no boyfriend of yours!

Who cares? I just want to get Derek to stop harassing me.

I spent the past few months wondering if he actually cared. Now, I know he cares but I no longer care. He's just a meaningless childhood crush. He's just an ex-boyfriend who helped me to grow to who I am today.

"I know you're not dating this guy. Come on, I know you. You're very sentimental. You can't possibly move on from a three-year-old relationship so quickly," he said.

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