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I woke up to someone frantically shaking me. My eyes slowly began to open as a shadowy figure hovered above my frame. I could tell that it is a male from the scent tickling my nose.

Rubbing my eyes, I adjusted them to my surroundings only to realize that it was Sincere who'd woken me up. Glancing over at Serenity I noticed that she was fast asleep.

I remembered that only a few hours earlier I was jumping with joy once the doctors told us that she was going to be all right. They still had to run some tests on her to see what may have caused her to have the seizure and if this could possibly happen again. All in all, my baby was a trooper.

Let me talk to you right quick." Sin demanded in a mellow voice.

"About what?"

What a stupid question to ask Ame.

"I said, let me talk to you right quick." He repeated unfazed.

I sighed before standing up and stretching. He walked out of the hospital room, past the lobby and out to the parking lot with me in tow.

In one brisk, abrupt, motion Sincere had me pinned against a nearby wall. He has a suicidal look upon his face. I tried to look away but he grabbed my jaw and damn near tore it off, forcing me to look him in the eyes. His breathing erratic and he never broke eye contact with me.

"What the fuck is wrong with you? Get off of me." I said as I attempted to push him off of me but I soon realized that he was ten times stronger than me.

"The fuck you mean what's wrong with me? You're the only muthafucka around here having secret babies and shit! Why would you do some dumb shit like this? Why would you keep her from me?"

He released the hold he had on me, shaking his head in the process. I watched as he wiped his hand over his face. We were both breathing hard as we had what I considered to be a staring match.

"I'm sorry." I sobbed. I couldn't stop the tears falling from my eyes. He was right in feeling the way that he was.

Before I knew it he slammed me into the wall once again. His hands snaked their way around my throat.

"What did I ever do to you?" He asked in an acrid tone.

This time I managed to shove him off of me. I tried to slap him but he swiftly grabbed my wrists.

"Fuck nigga you broke my heart! That's what you did! You fucking used me. After you got what you wanted you left me. You made me feel low like I was some sort of a hoe! You really had me fooled by buying me gifts, telling me you loved me, and treating me like a queen." I chuckled. "It was all an act."

"Your heart was broken? What about mine? He yelled. "You think I wanted to break up with you? Huh?" He yelled.

"If you didn't want to then you shouldn't have! It's so simple Sincere." I spat.

"You knew that I was in love with your ass but I did what was right! Then you didn't even tell me you were pregnant before you left what kind of shit is that?"

"I didn't do it intentionally. It wasn't that I was trying to be sneaky and hide her from you I didn't know how to tell you. Believe me, I did want to tell you but––."

"Save the bull shit. It doesn't even matter right about now. I missed out on a lot because of you. You're so wrong on so many levels. The minute that you found out you were having my jit I should have been the second fucking person to know!" His jaw was clenched, as I finally broke free of his hold.

"I'm sorry." I didn't know what else to say.

"She looks just exactly like me too." He declared in a voice that was just above a whisper.

"Sincere I'm––."

"As far as I'm concerned this conversation is over. You're not even worth it. That little girl in there has a father now and that's me. I'm going to be there for her from now on. You and I don't have anything to discuss unless it's about her."

I really did want to tell him. I just never knew how. I never wanted him to find out like this.

He turned on his heels and walked away leaving me to absorb everything he'd just said.

            Girl, you really messed up this time.

Sin and Amethyst 2: My baby daddy's homeboyWhere stories live. Discover now