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"Today is the day. How do you feel nigga?" Wade asked me after he helped me adjust my tie.

I laughed. "I'm nervous."

"That's just that cold feet shit. You'll get over that. You're marrying a beautiful woman today. I know that you wouldn't marry her if you didn't plan on being with her for the rest of your life. Right?"

"Well I mean I do love her."

He looked at me confused. "But?"

"I mean, what if I'm making a mistake?"

"Bruh where was this coming from?"

I continued to adjust my tie in the mirror.

"I don't know. Something just doesn't felt right. Nas isn't even here by my side. He's supposed to be my best man. He won't answer any of my calls. Then we got all the way to the church and I left the ring at the hotel. I had to send someone back to get it. My dad ordered me the wrong size shoes so I had to run and buy a pair. It's like everything's falling apart."

"Look at me bruh." Wade said. I looked at myself in the mirror, adjusting my tie one last time before turning to him. "Don't do it if you'll regret that shit later on in life."

He looked around for a moment. "Sorry god." He said after cursing in the church.

I laughed at him. "Thanks man."

"No problem but next time I'm charging your ass for advice. That shit ain't free!"

I chastised him. "Stop cursing man."

"Oh shit. Sorry god."

I shook my head at that fool right before he said, "So's Amethyst?" He threw me off completely, halting my movements.

"I don't know." I lied. "I guess she's aight. Why do you ask?"

"She loves you man. Just remember that." He exited the room leaving me alone with my thoughts.


John Legend's All of me began to play as everyone directed his or her attention to the front door. The church was decorated with red, gold and black decorations. I didn't expect so many people to come. We sent out one hundred and fifty invitations and it looked like all damned near everyone showed up. I just wished Nas were here. I needed him at a time like this.

The floor was soon covered in red rose petals as my baby girl Serenity threw them delicately upon the ground. The bridesmaids were dressed in knee length gold dresses with a red bow in the back and my groomsmen were dressed in black suits with gold bow ties.

Once everyone took their places, the guests stood up waiting for my wife-to-be to walk down the aisle.

I watched Jahbria walk down the aisle and she looked amazing. As she got closer to me I noticed that I didn't give off the reaction I thought I would. They said that when you found the one that you'd be with for the rest of your life, you'd get a gut feeling when she walked down that aisle. I didn't even shed any tears.

I didn't know if that was a good thing or a bad thing. Her father, Earl, gave her away to me.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to witness the union of Sincere and Jahbria in holy matrimony, which is an honorable estate, that is not to be entered into unadvisedly or lightly, but reverently and soberly."

Sin and Amethyst 2: My baby daddy's homeboyWhere stories live. Discover now