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One month later

"So have you come to your senses?"

I looked over at Amethyst and shook my head. She came to pick up Junior, with Serenity on her hip. Bringing Serenity with her really put the icing on the cake for me especially since she looked identical to Sin. I became mad all over again.

The truth of the matter was that the mother of my child and my best friend fucked each other and were in a secret relationship. Serenity was the product of their secret. I knew that she was an innocent child, so I wasn't mad at her I was mad at the situation. It was fucked up.

"My senses?" I questioned her.

"Yeah about this little DNA test." We hadn't spoken in damn near a month unless it had to do with Junior.

I sucked my teeth. "Man, fuck what you––." "Hey!" She quickly cut me off then pointed to Serenity who was going to town on a bag of Cheetos. "She's at that age where she repeats things"

"Sorry." I apologized, seeing my wrong doing in the situation.

"You're good." She placed her daughter to her feet. "Ma-ma go in the back with your big brother ok?"

She nodded and took off running.

Amethyst then gave me her undivided attention as I got up from my seated position on the couch, walking past her to the bathroom. She followed me just like I knew she would.

"Damn, a nigga can't pee in peace?"

I lifted the toilet seat and whipped my dick out as she stood in the doorway with her lips pursed together and her arms folded.

"I've seen your dick a million times, so don't act brand new. Plus, I'm not worried about you peeing I'm worried about the DNA test that you said you wanted. You know Junior is your son."

"What's it to you? You're not paying for the shit!" I put my dick away then washed my hands.

"So! I don't give a damn if the president paid for the got damn test. The fact of the matter is that you're doing it for all the wrong reasons."

I brushed past her back into the den then sat down at the dining table to finish rolling up my weed. I didn't smoke while my son was with me but as soon as they all left I was definitely about to fire this shit up. I was stressed as fuck over this shit.

She sat down across from me and I said, "So that's what you think? You think I'm testing him because of the 'wrong reasons'? Why can't I just be getting the fucking test to make sure you didn't step out on me when we were together?"

She sighed then placed her face in her hands momentarily.

"Nasir cut the bull shit! You and I both know that this is some ego thing that you have going on. You found out I fucked Sin, which shouldn't be a problem because you and I weren't together but trust me I get it! I apologized to you for the secrecy. Now lets move on from this shit. My baby is here and she isn't going anywhere. I know you're mad but––."

I cut her off. "Don't speak for me. You don't know how the hell I feel."

"See that's where you're wrong. I know you're upset and I know you feel betrayed but I can't take any of this back. I fell in love with him and to be honest. I want him back."

I couldn't believe the shit that I was hearing. The woman I wanted to be with wanted to be with my best friend. Hell, I didn't even know if I could call him that anymore because we hadn't spoken since Taya's party.

Sin and Amethyst 2: My baby daddy's homeboyWhere stories live. Discover now