Chapter 6 - Unexpected

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Silvana rested in her rooms in Rafport. The weeks since Haftown had passed without incident. She enjoyed the imperial prince's company, although she didn't want to admit it. While she sat braiding her hair, she considered the change in how she felt about him.

Gone was the hatred and the desire to cause him harm. Those hot coals she'd hoarded within herself in the hope of burning him, dissipated in Haftown and never returned. Her fingers wove tiny strands and she considered something new. Could she forgive him? He'd tried to kill her father and didn't know that zealous mission failed. He was a nice man. She wondered what could have caused him to be so bent on Flynn's death.

"People do the strangest things when they believe it a necessity," she murmured.

Thinking on their journey, Silvana realised she'd been forgiving him a little every day. Now she didn't wish him harm, she hoped he could find the goodness within himself and live a prosperous and blessed life.

A knock sounded at her door.

"Come in," she called out, expecting a servant. She turned to look as it swung open. Then she flew to her feet, exclaiming, "Prince Huneddzach, I apologise. I didn't know it was you."

"Of course not, don't mention it, My Lady."

She saw a twinkle in his eye and broke the contact. It was then she noticed he was carrying a rather large, rectangular box.

"A gift for you, Koutayshi-hime."

He licked his lips. A nervous air radiated off him and Silvana felt even more out of her depth than before. "There is no need to give me a gift and I cannot possibly accept this," she asserted, trying to push the box back into his arms.

"I do not give it because I need to but because I want to. Please, Silvana. Accept it."

The way he said her name brought heat to her cheeks. What was happening? She forced air into her lungs, hoping it could slow the hammering of her heart. Why was she reacting like this?

"I was also hoping you'd accompany me for dinner on the beach this evening."

Her mind went blank, a board wiped clean by the tutor's hand. She blinked, trying to regain control of herself. It was the first time she felt so helpless. Words failed her. All her training was useless, bringing on a sense of inadequacy and helplessness. One thing stood out and she latched onto it.

"As in a romantic evening?"

"Yeeees, I suppose you could call it that."

"And you wish me to wear this?" she gestured to the box he still held.

He lifted her chin, forcing her to look at him and sending a tingling shock-wave down her spine. "I would like you to do what pleases you, Silvana. Should you like the dress, you may wear it. If you don't like it, do with it what you please. I shall have dinner on the beach. If you wish to join me, I would be very happy but if you do not wish to, I'll accept that. I would like you to do what pleases you this evening, not what pleases me."

He turned and left while Silvana stood staring after him. When she finally pulled herself together, she closed the door and placed the box on her bed.

She glanced at the mysterious rectangle but decided to finish braiding her hair first. It gave her time to examine the strange ripple-effect of emotions this turn of events brought with it. She still didn't know what to think or what she would do.

What's done is done, she thought. He isn't a monster, just a flawed human being and he is trying to make amends. I should be able to respect that and open up to freeing myself from all of those awful things from the past. He is a changed man. I can see that. Maybe it is time to let it all go.

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