Chapter 7 - Time Runs Out

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They galloped through the night, the wind whipping their cloaks about them. Ned gazed ahead under the sickle moon and the bright stars. He had never ridden at night before and basked in the shadowy beauty of the dark. Time passed, they stopped long enough to change horses at three towns. The night grew old by the time they set off again from the third stop.

"Silvana!" Ned called out above the rush of air, "Could we slow down, please?"

She slowed to a trot. Then she glared over at him, insisting, "We must hurry! We cannot tarry."

"Even if we continue at a trot, we can arrive before dawn. There can't be any reason why we should get there sooner than that. Besides, I would like to spend my last moments with you in tranquillity, not hurrying and fearing because of some stupid threats the imperial messenger uttered without cause."

Her voice took on a tense edge when she retorted, "The threat has been made, Ned! Where does that leave us? My people are in danger! How can you think something like that wouldn't affect me? And now you slow us down! You could have been there already! I need to try and avert this, because my own stupidity at forgetting the messenger meant we couldn't receive the queen's orders sooner."

"Silvana!" he interjected, "This isn't your fault! What is more, I don't think you understand how I feel! Parting from you is the last thing I can conceive of doing. I have no intention of returning to the imperial palace if I can possibly help it. There was no way I would have left you in Rafport!"

Taking a deep breath, Silvana cut in, "Let's not discuss this now. There is no point in arguing."

As they continued their ride through the dark, he asked her about the different towns they had stopped in. The moon set and the silvery glimmer of the stars reflected the intense cold of pre-dawn. Shadowy buildings loomed up around them. Hooves clattered over cobbles and they rode into the palace courtyard. A stable boy, huddled under a thin blanket, scurried over to take the horses.

Taking Ned by the arm, Silvana pulled him into the palace. The queen and two elderly men met them outside the queen's audience chamber. They swept inside and then Queen Silvia turned a fiery glare onto Silvana who sank into a deep curtsey as the tirade began.

"Koutaishi, you are a disappointment! You tarried too long! Strict instructions were given. Why didn't you adhere to them? Your actions reflect on this royal house."

Ned saw Silvana's jaw clench. She blinked several times as though fighting with glistening drops. The queen took a deep breath but Ned stepped forward. He stood right beside Silvana.

"Queen Sylvia, the Koutaishi-hime acceded to my wishes. I overruled your instructions and insisted the journey be completed as I desired."

Silvana glanced up at him. Then schooled her gaze back onto the queen's golden slippers. Silvia held his gaze for a moment, then turned her attention back to Silvana.

"You are dismissed, Silvana."

She bit her lip and curtseyed, then she glided out the hall, head held high. Ned's stomach clenched as he watched her go. He wanted to be by her side, to comfort her through what must have been a humiliating scene for her.

A short while later, Ned found her sobbing beside a tree in the palace garden. Waves crashed viciously against the cliff below her. He pulled her to her feet and led her over to a nearby bench, wrapping his arm around her. She clung to him, her head nestled against his shoulder, her hands clenched on his shirt front. Sobs racked her.

The light grew and Ned watched the crimson disk slip into view above the waves. He mused over the incongruity of having watched the sun set over the ocean the evening before and now experiencing it rising from those watery depths this morning.

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