Chapter 9 - Imperial Arrogance

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Silvana looked neither right nor left. She led the procession of healers into the imperial assembly, pressing her lips together to avoid showing her awe at the immensity of the hall. She delivered the queen's message to the gathered courtiers and then retreated while the healers were called forward to give an account of their abilities. Clinging to her training, she remained haughty and indifferent even though her curiosity wanted her to look about and take in everything about the room and all the people in it.

After the welcoming ceremony, Silvana found herself confined to her quarters. Imperial etiquette dictated that a young woman of her status could only be entertained by imperial princesses. None sent her any invitation and there was almost no other way for her to explore the palace. The imperial princesses ignored all her own invitations as well. Tension turned her stomach to cold stone when she realised she was being summarily dismissed.

She spent most of her days sending servants to the library to bring her books while her mother was put through a series of gruelling and denigrating tests to ensure her magical healing technique would not cause harm to the emperor. Stuck in these humiliating circumstances, both women were prone to outbursts of frustration in the short periods they spent together.

Silvana managed to enquire slyly about all the younger imperials and learned that Ned was unmarried. He wasn't promised to anyone either and she breathed a great sigh of relief. Being so close to him and not allowed to see him weighed on her. It chafed her nerves she wasn't allowed out of her suite. Used to the freedoms of her own culture, being cooped up by the imperials was claustrophobic.

Having time to kill, Silvana decided she could send Ned some answers to his messages now she knew he was unattached. They messaged back and forth and it helped alleviate her boredom a little but she was restless. She paced the rooms, exasperation beginning to fray her patience when she wasn't talking to Ned.

On the fourth day after their arrival, Cynthia was given permission to enter the emperor's presence. Silvana thought on her predicament, sending out some more invitations to the ladies at court but when all her messengers returned with no responses she threw caution to the wind. Disregarding all the unspoken rules of etiquette, she sent for Oruna's ambassador to the imperial court.

When the rotund man stepped into her suite, Silvana was dressed and ready to go out. Her midnight blue dress had silver strips in the pleated skirt. The round neckline hid the ring she wore on a chain about her neck. Loose, elbow-length silk sleeves fluttered down from the shoulders, revealing more than they hid. Her hair was piled atop her head in a nest of braids.

"Are you going somewhere, Koutaishi-hime?" His voice was breathless, uncertain.

Silvana held his gaze, scrutinising him. "I've heard so much of the imperial gallery. I'm hoping you have time to accompany me there today."

"Princess," he began but she cut him off.

"I will see the famed collection of paintings I've heard so much about, whether you accompany me or not, ambassador."

"You would be breaking with protocol," he breathed.

"I am aware of that but I'm not going to let the entire imperial court freeze me out. I have a right to see these things and if none of the princesses will deign to accompany me, I can think of no one else suitable. Or would you like me to enquire assistance from Prince Huneddzach whom I know personally? Would that be better?"

The man gasped, shaking his head. "No, no. We'll make this work."

"Thank you." She smiled and slipped her hand into the crook of his arm.

Silvana walked through the halls of the gallery. She gazed up at the portraits of the imperial family and their ancestors. Each painting was a history on its own. The warriors of old were depicted upon their steeds while newer generations piloted fantastical machines. The ladies wore gowns showing the changes in style over decades.

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