Bloody Painter x Reader(L) - Art Imitates Life

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This is going to contain - blood, implied character death, sexual tension, sexual teasing,  public groping, knee kink, multiple orgasms, passionate smex. 

So I've had this thought since like 2 weeks ago when I first started looking into Bloody Painter. That he would fit so well with the idea that he is a college art professor. It suits his incredibly darker ideas as well. So I wont include it as a sub, since I feel its unnecessary. He is just using the professor image as a cover anyway.  (There is an age diff but its like reader is 19-20 and he's 25-26 remember college setting)

Helpful notes going forward - His real name is Helen Otis. His parents wanted a daughter instead of a son, so they gave him a girls name and for several years of his childhood they dressed him as a girl. It's gonna be a little weird calling him Helen, but go with the flow. lol


As you lifted the bristles of your paint brush, you created the detailed outline of a mans torso. Including a softly defined pecs and traces of a couple of their abs, the hips widened like the width of an hour glass, and finally down to the structure that started both legs. Using a few circles these were traces of the joints that represented both the elbows and knee's.

Feeling satisfied you pause your drawing, glancing around your canvas to eye the stone statue that was your only reference for this assignment.  Usually from time to time, real models were brought into the class for anatomy and art purposes. Sometimes they were even asked to pose naked if they were comfortable. You'd grown used to many of the classes that were like that.

However, with a lift of your head your eyes quickly find their way to the tall lanky black haired professor you've become quite attached to. There was only one persons anatomy you wanted to study..and it was definitely his. That thought alone brings a giggly smile to your lips and tints of a warm pink to your cheeks.

Helen Otis was one of the most handsome and mysterious professors at this school. You were sure lots of his students had mad crushes on him, but they would have to step off. It would seem like you had caught his gaze, just as much as he had your own. You could only hope you were the only one he treated differently.

As if he knew you were thinking about him, he leaned away from the student he was helping. Those beautiful sapphire colored eyes held your gaze for just a few seconds before you had to look away, trying to pretend that you were working hard on his assignment. A small smirk curved to lips as he stepped over to your side.

"How is your work coming along (Y/n)?"

"Well..I think it's pretty good so far..I usually have trouble with the leg placements though." You truthfully admitted glancing from his face and back to your canvas. For a second or two he stood behind and observed the brush strokes you made. Your technique was good, probably one of the best in class.

"The lines look good, your strokes are soft and the lines are clean." His compliment made you feel more excited than you hoped your face lead on. Although, your heart began to thump when you felt one of his hands trail down your back. For a moment you thought he might be concerned with your posture but soon his fingers were tickling your knee.

"I could show you, just where to place your legs.." Came his airy soft whisper that tickled the frame of your ear. He made sure his voice was low enough for only you to hear it, using the fact that you usually sat at the back of class to his advantage.

Your lips parted but with your heart just pounding, you were unsure of what to say. A visual of your nervous gulp sliding through your windpipe was all he needed, to know he enjoyed the thrill of teasing you. 

Walking Alone At Night(Creepypasta x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now