Eyeless Jack x Reader(L) - Taste Your Kidney

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This is going to contain - Blood, Gore, Character death, Cannibalism, kidnapping, bondage, knife play, Sexual coercion, Oral, multiple orgasms, extremely rough smex. 

Origin Story: I read two of them, I don't think it matters in this shots case but I like to go with the second one I found. Which was basically a tale of how he was born with bad eyesight his whole life, it deteriorated over time. 

Eventually it got to a point that his vision would cause him to hallucinate grotesque images. One of his friends at the time suggested he eat kidneys, because it had vitamins to support vision. (It was revealed seconds later that he might of been thinking about carrots but it was already to late.)

Like his friend suggest it did help, and he grew completely dependent on eating this meat. Eventually there was an incident where liver was being recalled for being bad and he would have to go without for at least a month. The imagery that plagued him came back full force. It got so bad that he realized humans also have livers, after seeing a disturbing image of his own mother. Whom he killed by ripping out her liver and eating it.

Helpful notes going forward: I will describe him with no eyes, since this is how nearly all of his images are. I couldn't really find on the wiki what his hair color is but I'll go with dark brown(most of the fan art draw it that way.)


"I'm heading home now Misha, I'm off till Saturday so I'll see you then." You called, earning a wave and urge by him to be careful on your way home. He knew, today was one of those days where you left your car at home. Just because sometimes you liked to walk, after all you only lived about 15mins away.

"Don't worry, I'll be careful."

"You better. See you Saturday."

After a shared laugh, you stepped out the door and down the stone paved sidewalk. It was pretty dark right now, the moon shimmering at your back, with a soothing breeze swaying your hair from side to side. It was a perfect day to enjoy a more scenic route. Which is why you veered off the normal path trailing through a heavily lit park.

There were lots of other people walking around as well. From the couples you saw holding hands or sitting together on the nearby benches. To someone walking a cute dog, that seemed very excited just to be outside. You didn't have any pets but it still made you smile. Although there was bit of jealousy in your eyes sense you didn't have a significant other at the moment.

With a small sigh, you picked up your pace rounding the familiar fountain. This was the halfway point for making it through the park, the exit would just be a few more minutes down the path. Just as you were humming to yourself wondering what kind of dinner to make tonight something slammed to the ground, startling your so much you practically vaulted backwards.

Thrusting your head left and right, you wondered where the sound came from and what had happened. It kind of sounded like someone either fell or tripped, maybe they had gotten hurt? Your curiosity instantly got the better of you, when you stepped into the trees. Only to get a most uneasy feeling at the distorted wet crunching noises.

Another thing you'd failed notice was how silent this side of the park was. You were so close to the opposite exit that lead out to the street, that you didn't even register no one walking or sitting nearby. 

It only takes a couple of minutes of stepping through the small forest, to stumble upon a hooded figure crouching low to the ground. At first he appeared to have tripped over the nearby tree vein, but as you approached the temperature of your skin dropped several degrees. 

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