Homicidal Liu x Reader(L) - Scars To Your Beautiful

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This is going to contain - public groping, slight bondage, Oral, multiple orgasms, passionate smex.

Notes to Remember going forward: Liu is the older brother of Jeffrey woods also known as Jeff The Killer. There are a couple of depictions of his story, but the most common is what I'll go with.

When Jeff snapped and murdered his parents he also tried to killed Liu as well, stabbing him multiple times. He survived the mutilation he endured but ended up with stitches all over his body, not just his face.

To cope with the fact his own brother tried to kill him Liu created a dissociative identity that calls himself Sully. It is this personality that is the reason he can become violent, vicious, and dangerous. Otherwise Liu himself is strong, protective, and a courageous person not afraid to stand up to people.

I feel like Liu is a gentleman as well so that's how I wrote him.


It was one of those days, where the weather was perfect and you had absolutely no responsibilities. Meaning no work to go to, cleaning to get done at home, or obligations to any friends. As far as you know almost everyone was doing their own thing today.

Mainly because unlike you they all had romantic partners. At this point you were completely jealous of all of them and weren't afraid to admit it. Honestly it wasn't anything to be ashamed of love just hadn't knocked on your door yet.

At least that's what you thought, till fate brought you a strange man.

Neither of you had been paying attention, when you rounded a nearby corner. Instantly smacking right into a broad chest, losing your balance with a startled squeak. You barely caught the sight of green eyes before stumbling backwards.

You expected to careen to the ground but a pair of slender arms dove for your hips, balancing you in their grasp. You never felt more relieved when he pulled you back upright, your own palms pressing directly at his chest. The soft sensation of his sweater felt nice but you could of sworn something bumpy was also beneath your finger tips.

"Thank you so much, I didn't mean to bump into you."

"No problem miss, glad neither one of us fell."

A smile formed on the edge of your pink lips, grateful that he had such a smooth voice and didn't sound at all mad. You'd seen the type that exaggerates everything that was just an accident way to many times. When you lifted your head, you did not expect at all the handsome yet scarred face of someone whom looked about your age.

Even if you didn't want to your eyes went directly to the light tan colored stitches trailing up from the side of both of his lips, as well as two other sets curved along his cheeks. When he blinked that's when you noticed how delightfully emerald green his pretty iris's were, and even the nice way his short brown hair framed his face.

His head tilted looking ever so calm and curious, that you couldn't hep but feel your face heating up when you'd realized how long you'd just been staring and invading his space. With an abrupt step backwards, you barely registered that his hands had actually still been holding you but his touch was so light you weren't sure if he had been holding your hips or back.

"Ah..um..s-sorry I didn't really mean to stare, that probably made you uncomfortable.." There was genuine embarrassment on your cheeks and an adorable twiddle to your thumbs that he couldn't help but smile at.

"Not really, I admit the stitches do catch a lot of attention but they tend to frighten people." Your head tilted up as you heard him take a step or two forward, watching with fluttery eyes the ease forward of his right hand. His slender fingers caressed along your skin in his motion to the cup your cheek and make sure you were focusing on his face like before.

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