The Puppeteer x Reader(L) - A Doll On His String

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This is going to contain - Extremely angsty scenario, attempted sexual assault, Bullying, depression, self harm, blood, gore,  suicidal impulses, sexual manipulation, rope-like bondage, public groping, public roof top sex, First time smex with a ghosty, multiple orgasms.

Brief Origin Story - Once known as a normal boy named Jonathon Blake. Whom after a horrible break up with a girl he deemed the love of his life, secluded himself away hanging himself when he could no longer find a reason to live.

Once he became a vengeful spirit he's drawn to lonely and depressed people. Stalks them and usually manipulates them into believing death is the only way to escape all their pain and torment.

Helpful Notes going forward - He has two forms, a completely transparent one that allows him to stalk his prey without being seen.(I'm going to use this form when he's talking to reader, his words when italicized will seem like her own thoughts). His second form is solid, he'll be able to interact and touch reader. She'll be able to see him too.

I hate myself so much <-- Normal italicized no quotes - readers thoughts

"You let this all happen, because you weren't strong enough." <-- Jonathon's words italicized in quotes to represent that they are spoken only to you/the reader. No one else can hear these.

"Just give up, they don't want you here anymore." Not italicized when he's solid allowing her to see/hear him.

Hope it's not to confusing feel free to comment if you need further explanation but it's pretty straight forward I think!


It was a normal sunny day just like any other. The breeze was wafting through your hair and the sun was high in the sky. Your fellow classmates were in courtyard down bellow talking, eating, and just joking around in general. Enjoying this leisurely period for lunch, while all you could think about was how food no longer appealed to you anymore.

Both of your hands lift to grip the silver twinkling fence surrounding the roof for safety measures. You can practically taste the metal as you lean your face up against it, looking down noting a good 3 or 4 stories distance to the ground. A fall from here would leave absolutely no room for doubt.

"That's right (Y/n). Everyone thinks you're a nuisance. There is only one release from this life's daily pains."

The familiar voice inside your head taunts you, assuring it would be a simplistic feet to get over the fence. These thoughts and antagonizing sentences, feel like your own words. All these emotions weigh you down with their pity, self loathing, doubt, depression, and misery among every other negative sensation your hearts been rattled with.

A drafty wind frays your shirt sleeve, forcing you to note the disheartening display of several fresh cuts along the bottom of your wrist. Before you would repulsed that you gave into such a dark display of a coping mechanism. However, you hadn't even bothered to slide on a wristband or bandage to hide them.

There was no need after all. Specially sense there was no one in your corner anymore whom would care at all for your well being. You'd become a shadow and lost every person you thought was your friend. Even the boy you'd been crushing on for a long time, betrayed all of your trust.

How did it comes this? 

Is a thought in your head playing on repeat. Everything that lead up to this moment is a clear as if it was yesterday. Despite the actual events starting a month ago. On a day that should of been a nice happy memory, but it became your worse nightmare.

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