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  Sam woke up first, the time reading 6:05 am on the clock beside his head. He didn't remember ending up on the couch, but he was grateful it wasn't the chair. 

  Sam pushed his body up, his hands planted on a cushion to support his weight. He looked around, only at first at the living room, before turning his head. He noticed the angel and his brother cuddled up in the bed, and smiled. Sam couldn't remember the last time Dean slept like that. He couldn't even remember the last time Dean had relaxed and actually let himself be the way he was now. Sam quietly made his way around the room, cleaning up last nights Chinese food mess, throwing the empty containers in the garbage, and storing the left overs in the fridge. Dean only shifted a few times, and Castiel opened his eyes to see what was happening only once. 

   After the mess had been tidied, Sam grabbed his jacket from its place on the back of the chair, and exited the room. He figured it would be better if Dean didn't wake up with his brother in the room while he was cuddling an angel. 

   Castiel had no issue laying there all night and holding Dean, but he hated not being able to sleep. It would be so much more natural for him to fall asleep with Dean, instead of just Dean falling asleep and Castiel laying there all night silent. The angel knew that it also bothered Dean, though the male would never said a thing. Castiel knew that Dean disliked that the angel was so inhuman, especially because the angel himself disliked the fact. He had already made up his mind though, he was going to get rid of his grace so he could be human again. So he could be with Dean properly. Dean shifted, turning over in his sleep. Castiel followed, putting his chest to the back of the sleeping male. It only took about five minutes for Dean to wake up and yawn.

  "Cas? What time is it?" Dean asked, his voice groggy from the earliness of the day. Castiel turned his head to eye the clock in the wall. 

  "About 7:15 in the morning, Dean." He responded, returning his original head placement, his chin on Deans shoulder. Dean just groaned, knowing that he wouldn't be able to go back to sleep. He thought back to last night, he was watching movies and Sam was over... Sam! 

   Dean shot up and looked around, scooting away slightly in the process. He eyed the chair where Sam had been last night and the couch where he assumed the boy had moved to, but he wasn't anywhere in sight. Dean relaxed, his back loosening to a hunch again as he realized his brother had left. Castiel frowned, now also sitting up, but his back against the wall. Why was Dean so worried about Sam seeing him? Was Dean worried about what Sam would think? Well Sam has already saw them, and he didn't seem to mind. In fact to Castiel, Sam seemed happy for his brother and the angel.

   Castiel grew more upset as he thought about Dean caring more about his brothers thoughts. Why was he getting so worked up about it? He shouldn't be getting angry or upset, he shouldn't really be feeling much, but here he was; his heart ached as he realized that Dean didn't want anyone to know about them.

  "Why were you so worried about Sam being here Dean?" Castiel said, surprising even himself at the upset time that covered his words. Castiel moves to a standing position beside the bed. An accusing look on his face.

  "What? No wait Cas, I don't care I was just..." Dean's words trailed off.

  "You we're making sure Sam wasn't here to see us together." Castiel stated, his eyes growing watery for a reason unknown to the angel. Castiel frowned, and in a quick motion transported himself from his place in the room, to somewhere further away.

  Dean sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose between his pointer finger and thumb. He hated when the brown haired angel just popped out of every situation he didn't like. That's not how an argument works. I mean sure they weren't exactly a couple, but when you argue with your partner you stay and work it out.

  "God dammit Cas.." Dean grumbled, making his way off the bed and to the bathroom, hoping a shower would do something to call his mind.

   Cas found himself in a parking lot, he didn't quite recognize it but it felt familiar to him. He felt the presence of someone else there and turned, utterly surprised at the angel that stood before him.

  "Gabriel?" Castiel said quietly, staring at the familiar face. 

  "Heya Cassy." Gabe said with a playful smirk, holding his arms out at the side and walking towards Castiel, getting ready to hug him. It was clear Gabriel had a better understanding of human emotions, but he was also a trickster of angel so maybe it just came naturally. Gabriel wrapped the lesser angel in a tight hug before backing up. 

  "What are you doing here? And how?" Castiel asked, knowing that his brother had been killed.  

  "Just a little trick, I do em' all the time." He answered, dramatically running a hand through his hair. "Now talk to me baby brother, something seems to be on your mind." He continued, sitting on a chair that came from nowhere.

  "I don't know what you mean, I'm fine." Castiel lied, looking at Gabriel with a straight face. For a moment he believed that Gabe had believed his lie, but was proven wrong when the angel laughed.

  "Very funny, now seriously." Gabe said, his face growing stern as he finished. Castiel understood that Gabriel was serious and it was in his best interest to comply and tell the superior angel what was on his mind. 

  "I believe I'm in love with Dean Winchester." Castiel said quietly, his head lowered to avoid catching the gaze of the opposite angel.

  Gabriel beamed and smiled widely, obviously excited about the already obvious news.
  "Yes yes, do tell me more." The archangel pushed, lifting his leg and crossing it over the other. 

  "I want to be with him, in a sense that I am not an emotionless celestial being." Castiel confessed, letting out a breath he didn't know he was holding. At first Gabriel was happy, before realizing what had to be done for the angel to get his wish. He frowned and furrowed his eyebrows, staring at his younger brother.

  "Castiel, you remember how it was to lose your grace the first time? You'd have to go through that pain again, there wouldn't be another way." Gabriel said, his voice laced with concern. Castiel just sighed, he had already thought as much.

  "I would do anything for him." Was all the angel could muster up as he was flooded with memories from when his grace his cut from him and drained by Metatron. Gabriel was unsure of what to do, instead giving him a small card he produced from his pocket.

  "Let me know if you need anything little brother, I'll always be here." Gabriel said, a gentle smile on his face. Castiel took the card, and before he could say anything, the archangel was gone. Castiel didn't care how difficult it would be or how much pain it would cause him, he wanted to do it, for him. 

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