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  Castiel was sat on the couch now, he didn't understand what had come over him. He didn't know how to do any of that, or at least didn't at first. And the name he had given Dean, had he liked it? Kitten seemed like a strange name to call someone, especially in a situation like that. But perhaps Dean liked it.

"I'm going out." Dean voiced as he opened the door and made his way through the motel room. The rain was still pouring outside. He tugged on his jacket and laced up his shoes. His keys were in the table so all he had to do was grab them and leave.

   "You're going out? Why?" Castiel questioned, now on his feet and standing in front of Dean.

  "Because I fucking want to? Why else?" Dean said, attitude in his voice. He stood up and was met with Castiel standing in front of him. He avoided eye contact with the angel and stepped to the side, turning and grabbing his keys.

   "Would you like me to come with you?" The brown haired angel asked, cocking his head to the side. He didn't understand why Dean was acting like this? Something as simple as not getting a blow-job wouldn't make him behave so cruely.

  "No. I don't want to see your face right now. And I want you to stay with Sam, you're not my boyfriend so you don't have to follow me around like a fucking puppy." Dean snapped, a hand brought up to cover the hickeys that had been freshly received, as if trying to prove a point. Dean knew he was being cruel, knew that he was being a bit dramatic. Dean also knew that Castiel wouldn't know what he had done wrong, and that the timing was bad, but he din't know how else to get the angel to understand he was better off without Dean as his partner.

  Castiel was left stunned, unable to process the words from Deans mouth. Just because he was an angel didn't mean he didn't know what was happening, he just couldn't process it. Had they not just decided together that they were dating? Had they not just been intimate? Sure it had been cut short but Castiel was only teasing, and Dean seemed fine with it at first. Castiel furrowed his brows, this whole thing didn't make sense. It's not like Dean was possessed, he couldn't have been. Then this was really him talking and really this thoughts he was conveying.

  "Damn Dean, you don't need to be an asshole." Sam said suddenly, Castiel had forgotten that the younger Winchester was present. Dean shot a hard glare to Sam before looking at Castiel one more time, for only a few seconds. He angrily grabbed his keys and turned away, heading for the door. If he didn't go now then they would see him cry. Dean opened the door, the smell of rain meeting his nostrils as tears made their way from Deans eyes, to his cheeks.

  Castiel felt a pain in his chest, and brought his hand up, clutching his shirt. Sam stood and walked up to Cas, a sorry look in his eyes.

  "Look Cas,I don't know why he did that I'm sorry. Things seemed good.." Sam said sympathetically, placing a hand on the angels shoulder. In these few moments Castiel felt more human then before. He choked out a sob and clung to Sam, not acting like himself at all. Sam, being shocked, hesitated before wrapping his arms around the sobbing angel. He didn't understand Dean's motives, unless it was about what had happened in the past. Sam knew that Dean stayed away from relationships, knew that his brother only worried about what the job could end up doing to an emotional connection like romantic relationships. Sam knew his brothers intentions were good, but Castiel wasn't like any other person he had been with.

   "Cas I really-" Sam started, wanting to apologize for Dean again, but being cut off by the shorter angels weak voice.

  "Let's just go to your room.." Castiel whispered, he sounded so broken, had Deans words really affected him this much? He didn't think anyone, especially a celestial being, could be so attached to Dean. As rude as that sounds, Sam knew his brother, and as likable as he was, he wasn't the type of person that you got attached to for more then a night. (if you know what i mean ;)) Sam didn't object, grabbing his phone and leading the angel next door to his room. H e couldn't help but feel that the angel deserved better.

   "Castiel, are you okay?" Sam asked, sitting on the table in front of Castiel, who had seated himself on the couch. Despite Cas nodding, Sam could plainly see he wasn't. The tall male didn't know how to help Castiel, just sadly watched the angel wipe away his tears as they came.

  "Be a distraction..." Castiel replied, not yet raising his eyes to meet Sams. The brunette looked at Cas with confusion. What was he supposed to do that could make Castiel feel better?

   "What? What do you mean?" Sam questioned, unsure of what he had meant. Castiel looked up at Sam, an unreadable expression glazing his eyes. Sam searched Cas' eyes for an answer, but not receiving one. Castiel moved closer to Sam, pressing their lips together quickly. It wasn't soft, it was hungry, needy even. Sam was left stunned when Castiel pulled away after a few moments.

   "Be a distraction." Castiel replied plainly, reaching up to place his arms around Sams neck. Sam knew that he shouldn't. He knew what would happen if Dean found out, but he wanted to make Castiel feel better, he couldn't stand seeing him so upset. So instead he complied, moving to push Castiel against the couch, and reconnecting their lips.

  The kiss wasn't something that meant anything. It was just hungry and wanting, desperate but for all the wrong reasons. Castiel felt as their bodies turned so they lay diagonally across the couch, Sam on top. It felt nothing like when he was with Dean. With Dean it was sweet, and peaceful. With Sam it was meaningless and forceful, but he wanted to keep going, it was doing its job well enough. Castiel tangled his fingers in Sams hair, Sams own keeping himself up. Their mouth melted together roughly. Sam moved a hand under the blank T-shirt that covered Castiels torso, feeling the smoothness of the angels skin under his palm. Castiel made quick to remove the brunettes shirt, leaving him topless. Castiel bit his lips at the sight, not denying that although it wasn't Dean, it was still an amazing sight. Sam pushed up Castiels shirt, breaking their kiss the bring his lips to Castiels burning flesh. Beyond his own control, Castiel let out soft moans, not loving, but enjoying the feeling.

  To say it stopped there would be a lie, the two had rough, meaningless sex and fell asleep at around midnight. It was a distraction that Castiel needed, despite it being an awful thing to do. Sam reflected on what he had done, realizing quickly the amazing, but horrible mistake he had made.

  "Do you regret it?" Sam asked, as he dressed himself.

   "No." Castiel said truthfully. He did not regret it, its not like he was Deans boyfriend. His fingertips ran over the hickeys adorned along his chest and collar bones.

   "Should we tell Dean?" Sam asked, looking in the mirror at the bite marks littered on his shoulders.

   "Certainly not." Castiel said, looking up at Sam.

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