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They say that when you love someone, you would do anything for them. At least that's what he had heard from many humans before. Castiel looked at himself in the mirror, well, how could he say it was himself? It was a vessel he had entered years ago. A human he took away from a life. Guilt never stopped eating at him about that since he had realized what he had done. James Novak has a family, and Castiel took that from him. Of course he knew that Jimmy had prayed for years, begging to help God in anyway, but that didn't change the life he had stripped the human of. 

   Castiel touched the features of the vessel, still not accustomed to them entirely. This would soon be his body, he would be like this forever. Jimmy could never return to him family or his old life. The celestial being took notice of his damaged wings. The wings that used to be beautiful.

The door opened suddenly behind him, exposing his vulnerable state to whoever invaded on him. Tears streaming down his cheeks unknowingly to even himself.

   "Cas? Are you alright? I don't think I've ever seen you cry." Dean said, approaching the angel slowly. Castiel brought his finger tips to his cheek, feeling the dampness of them. He quickly wiped them away and regained his composure best he could. 

   "I'm fine Dean, thank you for asking. I don't know why I was crying, I didn't realize I was." Castiel replied, running a hand through his dark brown locks and attempting to step around Dean. Dean crossed his arms and blocked the doorway, refusing to let his angel through.

   "As much as I'd like to let you leave, we need to talk privately." Dean said with a stern, serious expression. Castiel let out a soft breathe and nodded, backing up from his escape attempt and sitting on the toilet lid that was set down.

  "Alright, what is it we have to talk about?" Castiel asked. He would be lying if he said he was worried about what the sandy haired male wanted to speak about. He thought things between them were good now, especially after the night they shared.

  "Cas, should I call you my boyfriend?" Dean asked quietly, he seemed nervous, but also unsure. A pink blush tinted his cheeks and he held his bottom lip in between his teeth. Castiel also noticed Dean picking at the skin around his nails. It was kind of adorable how flustered Dean was getting over something as small as this.
  "Maybe? I'm not exactly sure how humans do these sorts of things, isn;t that what you are supposed to call me?" Castiel asked, standing up and taking a step towards Dean, whose blush had grown a few shades darker. Cas stood close enough to feel Dean's breath but not close enough that the space between them was closed. The angel enjoyed teasing the bottom.  

  "I know I don't have a lot of people to tell, but I guess if you are, then I want people to know.." Dean stated quietly, looking to his feet, growing unsure of how to handle his own sappiness. The angel smiled slightly, and brought a hand to Deans chin, tipping his head up and locking eye contact with his lover. 

  "Good, that means I can show you off." The angel said confidently, not knowing where this sudden change came from. He seemed to become more human everyday.

  "I'd like that." Dean said with a shy smirk, glancing to Castiels lips before returning his gaze to the angels eyes. Castiel took notice of Deans neediness and gripped his chin lightly, bringing their faces nearer and closing the already small gap. Dean melted into the kiss and brought his arms up, snaking them behind Castiels neck. In return, Castiel lowered his arms, gripping the males hips and bringing their bodies closer together. Dean gasped when Castiel bit on his lower lip, which allowed the angel to skip his tongue in, deepening the kiss. Dean didn't bother fighting for dominance, he knew he would lose if he tried. Deans fingers found their way entangled with Castiels hair, tugging lightly. Castiel smirked and separated their lips, taking a breath before moving his mouth to the mans neck, kissing and biting a few spots. A lewd gasp seeped through Deans lips when Castiel nibbled at a sensitive spot on his neck. Castiel smirked before abusing the area more, loving the little sounds that Dean was trying to hard to silence. Castiels hands had slipped under Deans shirt and were exploring the older Winchester's toned chest, making the angel yearn for a view. Castiel broke off from the taller males neck and watched as he removed the shirt from his boyfriends body. Castiel liked the power he felt that even though he was shorter, he was still in control.

  "Cas.. Sam's.. just outside.." Dean said panting, his cheeks and the tips of his ears were flushed and his lips were wet. With his shirt off now, the sight was definitely one that the angel would never get tired of. Dean so eager and needy for the angel when usually he played it cool. 

  "Then you better stay quiet, huh kitten?" Castiel replied, his voice seemingly lower then usually, if that's even possible. Deans knees grew weak and his stomach did flips, he could get used to that nickname. He didn't know what had come over him, Dean was never like this, but everything changed with Castiel. Dean was less embarrassed, and although it was new for him, Dean liked being the submissive one for a change. But part of him wondered where the angel knew this all from, it was like he was a different person with different thoughts.

   Castiel pressed their bodies together, reconnecting their lips in a passionate kiss. He pushed his thigh against Deans crotch, feeling his very evident boner. Dean got easily excited when it came to Cas, everything about him made the Winchester's head swirl. Castiel grinded his thigh against Dean, earning a moan that Dean was trying desperately to stifle. Castiel looked at his lover lustfully as he undid Deans belt and button, unzipping the jeans and letting them fall to the floor. 

  "Be quiet or I'll stop." Castiel warned, lowering himself, leaving a trail of kissing down Deans torso. Dean clapped a hand over his mouth when Castiel took him in his mouth suddenly, the hot wetness of the angels saliva felt unbelievably amazing. Castiel kept a grip on the Winchester's waist, keeping Deans body steady as he pleasured the whimpering male. Dean let out a moan and Castiel paused.

  "No please I'm sorry... I'll be quiet.." dean begged as Castiel stood up. Cas just smirked and kissed Dean on the cheek, rubbing a hand through his boyfriends hair as he began to speak.

  "Sorry kitten, I warned you." Castiel said, a fake pout on his lip as he moved past his boyfriend, opening the door. Cas gave Dean a small wink before exiting the bathroom, leaving the male flustered and hard.

Angel in a Tan Trench CoatWhere stories live. Discover now