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   Sam day on the edge of his bed. He didn't know what this would mean for the relationship with his brother. How could he have done this? Why did he? Was it simply to make Castiel feel better? He wasn't so sure anymore. He wouldn't interfere anymore, and maybe it'd be best if he left, at least for awhile so that Dean and Cas could properly fix things without him in the way.
   Sam made his way through the small hotel room, collecting the things he had strewn about. He shoved all his belongings, which there weren't many of, into a bag and lunged it over his shoulder. He knew that he would have to walk for a bit to find a bus stop, but he would find one and make his way to a different town for now. He grabbed his phone, which had some texts from Anna and a missed call from a random number. All this drama had out a damper in their ability to work in cases, and someone had probably called asking for help.

   Sam placed the room key on the desk, the tired man behind it dragging it towards him slowly.

   "And the other one?" He said, looking unimpressed. He didn't particularly care, he just wanted his money.

   "Ah right, I'm not sure how much longer they're staying, continue charging the card I used until they leave." Sam replied, tapping his fingers on the counter before turning to walk out.

   "Thanks for staying, fill out a review online and come back if you ever need somewhere to stay." The male said, sounding bored and as if he had said the same line a million times before. Sam made his way out of the small office building and walked over to the sidewalk, not seeing much around to one side and deciding the other side lead into town. He had to find a bus stop and get a ticket somewhere with a case.

   Sam decided to check his laptop when he reached a small cat cafe not far from the bus stop. He needed to find a case to head to. His efforts to focus on finding a case proved difficult because the cats were too adorable to resist playing with. Sam stayed at the cafe for about an hour, drinking tea and cuddling different cats. The last ten minutes he used to find a small case in a town about three hours away. He got his things together and walked out, thanking the employees for the nice hospitality and giving a generous tip with his own money.

   Sam bought the last ticket for the next bus and sat down on a waiting bench. He had left the motel about two and a half hours ago. They probably hadn't even noticed he had left. It seemed to be a Winchester thing at the moment, running away to avoid dealing with your issues.

   "You look tired." A small voice said from a few seats away. The person sat in that seat was a young woman, probably in her twenties. She seemed more tired then he did, more frantic too.

   "I guess you could say that." He replied, closing his laptop and flipping it back in his bag. He was t exactly in the mood for a conversation but he wouldn't be rude to her.

   "My names Meghan." She said with a soft smile, extending out a hand. Sam was instantly reminded of Meg. He met her this way too. He reached out his hand, grasping hers lightly and shaking it.

   "Sam." He said plainly, trying to convey that he didn't want to talk. She seemed to get the message and nodded, retracting her hand into her hoodie sleeve and leaning her head back, possibly going to sleep.

   As the time went by, Sam grew more impatient. His brother still hadn't noticed he was gone, and if he had, he didn't care enough to ask Sam where he was. The minutes seemed to tick by slowly, and he just wanted to move on already. He wanted to get on the bus so he could sleep, and not think about what had happened.

   His mind had been flooded with the images of what had happened, and every time he tried to blink them away the more that came to torment him. He remembered the way Dean and looked so comfortable and at ease when he was with Cas, and he could've ruined that. Sam could never make Cas happy either, the two belonged together and Sam wouldn't be able to amount to what Dean was to Castiel. Since when did Sam like men anyway? He knew it was okay, but it had never been his thing. Maybe it was just a one time thing.

   "Everyone boarding the next bus to [insert a U.S. town here], please make your way to gate 3." Boomed a voice through the speakers bolted to the wall above him. He looked to see that the girl had woken up but went back to sleep, probably not her bus. Sam grabbed his bag and checked to make sure he had his ticket before making his way towards the doors labeled as gate 3. He handed an overly enthusiastic lady his ticket, who proceeded to punch a whole in it before handing it back with a large, obviously fake, smile. He wondered why people worked at jobs they didn't like. Was it simply because they had no other choice? Did they need money that bad? Or did they do it because it's what they felt they should do with the lives they lived? It didn't matter much to him, it was their lives they could chose how they worked.

   "Enjoy your trip!" She said with a smile, though her voice sounded tired and rushed. She didn't want to be here.

   "Ah, thank you." He said, before stepping into the line which led up to the bus. He wasn't really sure what to do when he got to his destination. He didn't have a car, and he didn't know of any motels that's would be nearby. Maybe there would be one close to the bus stop, but or at least that would be preferred.

   The entire bus trip, Sam faded in and out of sleep. His dreams were bare, and though the road wasn't bumpy and the bus was quiet, he couldn't stay asleep for longer then twenty minutes at a time. He was lucky enough to learn that there was indeed a hotel right beside the stop, and although the hotel would be more expensive, he didn't feel like wandering looking for a motel which would cost less. So instead he booked the cheapest room he could and settled down for the rest of the day, managing to fall asleep and stay asleep for what has left of his day and the entirety of the night.

   Sorry if this chapter is boring to read, I just wanted to take at least one chapter to focus on Sam and what he did and thought. It isn't my best work and I'm already planning to write more at some point today. Again I hope it isn't too bad, thank you for reading!                -Riley

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