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Castiel took in his surroundings, it was dark. There was a single light hanging from the ceiling in the middle, and it flickered a few times. There was a small bed, possibly a single adult size. The room was relatively clean, and the walls weren't tattered or anything, just cold cement by the looks of it. The floor was also cement, with a small grey carpet by the bed. There was also a desk with a computer on it. It looked like some sort of sad, poor, depressed persons room.

"Wow Gabriel, you couldn't have picked somewhere a less... depressing?" Castiel asked, turning to his older brother, who furrowed his brows.

"For your information, this is my room." The archangel said with mock offense. Castiel in turn looked around the room again before nodding.

"Makes sense." He said plainly.

"Listen, no ones found me here yet, and it was just a cellar I found in the middle of a corn field, I took advantage of it." Gabe explained, feeling slightly, but barely hurt by his brothers words. Castiel exhaled, understanding that this was the best spot for what they were going to do. Getting his Grace drained would be painful, and he knew that. They both did.

"Okay, let's start then." Castiel said quietly.

"Castiel, are you certain this is exactly what you want?" Gabriel asked, his tone serious as he eyed the angel. Castiel just nodded sternly, and slipped his trench coat from his shoulders. Unbuttoning his shirt as well, if he could avoid ruining more clothing that would be nice. "Sit down on that chair." Gabe said, pointing to a chair in the middle of the room. He knew that no one else would do this for Castiel, but that didn't make it any easier. Castiel did as told, sitting down in the brown wooden chair. "I'm going to restrain you alright?" Gabriel said, and upon earning a nod from Castiel, chains appeared around his wrists and ankles, securing him to the ground so he couldn't go anywhere. Should someone find the two, it would look either severly kinky, or severely maniacal.

"Just be as quick as you can alright?" Castiel asked, his eyes pleading. The archangel simply nodded, producing his blade from his sleeve.

"I'm sorry for hurting you Cassy." Gabe said with a sad expression, before walking closer to Castiel, lightly prodding the angel skin with his blade. He couldn't go too fast, or he could harm the vessel too much, and he couldn't go to slow or he would cause the lesser angel more pain. So instead he tried to do it as efficiently as possible, but that didn't stop the pained screams that left Castiels throat. He knew that technically this was the worst crime an angel could do, but at the same time he didn't seem to care. He hadn't worked under Heavens rule for a long time, this was just another defiance. Gabriel shook himself from his thought, focusing instead on what he should be.

An hour passed before the once-angel, was drained of his grace entirely. Castiel had passed out ten minutes ago, the pain to much as he slowly became more human. Gabriel put the lid on the bottle he had been capturing the angels grace in. They hadn't discussed it, so he instead decided to store it for the now-human to decide what to do with later. Gabriel dropped his blade when the mist didn't leave the fresh wound, finally glad for it to be over. He knelt down, bringing Castiel face in his hands.

"Hey, little brother, you still with me? C'mon wake up asshole." The archangel said, rushing his words as he slapped Castiel back to consciousness. Castiel blinked a few time as he came to, looked at Gabriel through drooped lids.

"Is it over..." Castiel slurred, droopy from the loss of blood and amount of pain he endured. Gabriel nodded, removing the brunettes restraints. Castiel sighed and rubbed his wrists sluggishly.

"Yeah its over, stay still I'll be back with food." Gabriel said popping out of the room for about five minutes. Castiel looked to the table, his movements slow. He eyes the bottle of grace sitting there. He rolled his eyes at it, becoming frustrated that he went through all that pain for a measly bottle of stupid angel powers. He groaned, his entire body aching, and his stomach growling. Cass had little to no energy, just sat there blinking slowly, attempting to stay awake.

"Here, food, eat." Gabriel said, appearing in front of Castiel. Castiel raised he arms, which felt like they weighed a hundred pounds each, and grasped the burger that the archangel held out to him. He bit into it weakly, enjoying the taste of food. The grease making him smile to himself. He never truly appreciated food until now, and the last time he was human. Castiel finished the burger quickly, and let out a satisfied sigh.

"Thank you." He said, looking at Gabriel, his eyes still droopy.

"Yeah yeah, now lets get you back to lover boy before he starts worrying." Gabriel said, hoisting the male up, and letting his gain his balance before popping the two out of the small room, back to the motel. Castiel lost his balance as they arrived, grabbing the edge of the couch but failing to grip it properly, and falling over. Gabe cursed under his breathe and crouched down, grabbing onto the brunette. Despite trying to be quiet, the two had caused enough noise to alert the Winchester who was asleep.

"Gabe? Cass? Cass!" Dean shouted, rushing from his bed to his angels side. The angel groaned in pain, clutching his chest. Gabriel sat him up, back against the couch, and headed for the bathroom to get medical supplies. Returning seconds later with a first aid kit.

"Agh.. I'm fine." Castiel said, swatting his older brother away. Gabriel in response, rolled his eyes and persisted.

"You aren't an angel anymore Cassy, you need to treat you wounds." Gabe said, getting annoyed at the stubborn male. Castiel just grumbled in response, giving up his weak attempt at protesting. He instead turned his attention to Dean, who was looking at his chest with troubled eyes.

"Hey, what's that look for? I'm okay, they're nothing, just look at me." Cass said, raising a hand to cup Deans cheek. Deans eyes shifted to his boyfriends face, smiling he yawned.

"Tired huh?" Dean asked, poking Castiels cheek.

"Very." Cass said with a chuckle, looking to see Gabriel finish.

"Well head to bed then, you're all patched up." The archangel said, standing up. "I'm off, thing's to do, people to not see." He added, disappearing as he finished his sentence. Dean helped Cass up, and over to the bed, lying him down before getting under the covers as well, kissing his lover on the cheek before relaxing, glad his angel was safe.

Angel in a Tan Trench CoatWhere stories live. Discover now