From Thoth

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It was a pleasant, albeit long, journey from Gleneden to Thoth. The weather was fair and dry and the carriage that transported Robbi and her comrades, spacious and comfortable. The pulling team of moose and reindeer was in a spry mood and happily dashed along the wide dirt trail that led across the Plain of Mists westward toward the Circe Sea, upon which the black city of Thoth rested on Cragga Isle across the great bridge.

The small band of friends was expected and they found themselves greeted by a contingent of emissaries and acquaintances. Foremost among these were the former mayor and dear friend of Robbi's, Chumley Bilgespike, his wife Belinda, their two children, Ymi and Ashy, and Belinda's adopted mother, the ancient toad healer, Dema Primus.

Much to Robbi's delight, she spied an unexpected greeter, the large hedgehog master of the glass-makers guild, Herman Corkspike of Seth-e-Raman in the Lands of Man. Broad smiles were evident on everyone's faces as hugs and handshakes were exchanged.

Chumley saw to getting everyone settled in the castle and arranged for a great welcome feast. The weary travelers happily collapsed in their beds after their journey and were soon sleeping soundly in anticipation of a large and welcome meal.

 The weary travelers happily collapsed in their beds after their journey and were soon sleeping soundly in anticipation of a large and welcome meal

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As dusk approached, the travelers roused themselves and prepared for what they knew would be an incredible banquet. One by one, Robbi, Egbert, Bobo, and Thoris entered the formal dining hall and seated themselves around the massive oak table. Seated at the table's head was the present mayor of Thoth, Deedor Barus, a Lokian wolf and good friend to both Chumley and Belinda. Other dignitaries included the commander of the constabulary, Whylis Wormwart, as well as other important political and private individuals.

Chumley sat chatting happily with his friends and gorging himself on the endless courses of fish, fruit, breads, soups, pies, and sweets.

Dema, who was seated between Robbi and Belinda, shook her head chuckling.
"My son-in law is trying to explode. How a beast his size can consume so much is a magical act in itself." She turned toward Robbi, whom she knew was seeking beasts imbued with magic for the Council of  Wizards. "Perhaps yon Chumley is the magical creature you seek."

Robbi giggled.
"I doubt the ability to stuff oneself would be recognized as proof of magic. Anyway, I suspect that Chumley would have no desire to be a wizard. He always says he's done with being a leader...too much work."

Belinda interjected.
"I wish he'd do something other than spend all his time playing with the kids. He's sweet, loving and devoted to us, but he's driving me crazy. I regret that I made him promise to give up his adventures. He really needs to travel a bit, just so I can get some peace.

"The tediousness of day to day life must be driving him insane. Until the children are old enough to travel, we are stuck here. He needs something to do other than dote on us," she looked pleadingly at Robbi, "I think he should join you on your tour of Arishamal. A few months traveling would do him a world of good...not to mention me."

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