Through the Passage of Uumas

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Gaber looked intently at the sleeping Skaar, then turned his attention to Deeb, who was manning the tiller and had a peaceful smile upon his face.

He began to speak, half to himself, half to Deeb.
    "I have lived my entire life hating humans. They have enslaved and abused us. The funny thing is that I've never seen one up close before. Is he truly trustworthy?"

Deeb's smile broadened.
"We have been traveling together for years and I trust him with my life."

Gaber stared hard at Skaar. He could see the human was well muscled and hard with countless small, and a few large, scars on his body.

"He looks like a warrior," the wolverine noted.

"He was at one time, early in his life. Then he was a priest and a priest warrior. He has always been loyal... though for a period it was to the wrong being."

"An evil man?" Gaber asked.

"No, a misguided beast who wanted to end the world."

"If he was a warrior and priest in his past, what is he now?"

Deeb shifted his gaze from Gaber to the sleeping Skaar.

"My friend." He said affectionately.

The Sojourner continued on its westward tack, driven forward by a gentle breeze

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The Sojourner continued on its westward tack, driven forward by a gentle breeze. Skaar had awakened and taken Deeb's place at the tiller. Deeb now slumbered under the central mast. Gaber's attitude toward Skaar had shifted and the internal hatred replaced by curiosity concerning his two saviors.

He questioned Skaar.
"Deeb told me you were once a warrior and then a priest. Was he a priest as well?"

Skaar laughed.

"He was far more than that. It is difficult to see now, but he was one of the most feared creatures in the world. They were called the Deev...they were magical and immortal."


"Yes, he is the last Deev roaming the world. They lost their powers to a great monster called Xenophus. Most were killed, some imprisoned...only Deeb Shatus breathes the air as a free beast, though he is now mortal and without the powers he once possessed."

"He does not speak of this." The wolverine commented.

Skaar smiled.
"He does not remember. His life was erased, his memory cleansed. He was reborn and now serves others after countless lifetimes serving the Deev. He is not even that curious about his previous self. He chooses to live in the present and not lament the past. It is that determination which has helped me face my future and discard my own past. We now follow his voices wherever they lead us."

"Voices?" Gaber asked.

"Since his rebirth, voices have spoken to him, guiding him here and there. When they beckon, we follow."

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