Strangers from Afar

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Robbi woke up early, just before dawn, so that she could be on deck when the Crimson Rose arrived at Pisis. She had visited the small island a few times before to visit Gladiverserac Presapornaweev, her albatross friend, and to pay her respects to Gladis' parents, Protasgosarac and Femeldenarus.

When Robbi arrived on deck, she was pleased to see that Chumley, Thoris and Herman were already manning the rails, watching the small clump of rock in the middle of the azure sea growing as they approached.

The sun had barely breached the horizon when Willum ordered his crew to prepare to make anchor. The island of Pisis had no harbors and was not navigable anywhere close to shore, so any landing party would need to arrive via longboats and then make its way up the rocky cliffs to the central plateau where the Presapornaweevs made their home.

Robbi approached her friends.
"How is everyone doing this glorious morning?" she asked.

"Ah'll be better after ah get some chow in mah belly, won't ah?" Chumley said brightly, then added, "It'll be nice to she mah old pal Gladis, ah ain't seen 'er in nearly a year."

"Where's Eggy?" The small wizard asked.

"He ith thleeping. Thea travel doeth'nt agree with him."

"Yeah, we'll get 'im when we're ready ta head ashore. 'E'll be happy once 'e gets some dirt under 'is paws."

"As fer me," Herman interjected, "I'm right lookin' forward to meeting an albatross. Never met one before...never even seen one."

"She's hard to mith," Thoris said, "she's a big girl."

"A big, sweet girl," Robbi added. She looked toward the stony isle. "I wonder if they know we're here?"

Chumley chuckled.
" 'Course they do. That's what albatrosses do, ain't it? Keep track of mariners and the like. I expect they'll have a nice pot of tea for us...maybe some cucumber sandwiches and such."

"Ith always about the food," Thoris smiled, "We better get you thome breakfatht before you thtart nibbling on our pawth."

Robbi laughed.
"Sounds good, it'll be an hour till we're anchored and the landing boats are ready. Let's go to the mess deck and fill our bellies."

"Ah knew there was a reason that ah liked you as much as ah do. Ah second that suggestion, don't ah?" Chumley said happily as he led the small group to the rear of the vessel where the ship's cook, Burgle Tootspin, was dishing out meals.

It wasn't long until appetites were satisfied and the sun was fully risen. Even the groggy, but enthusiastic Egbert, accompanied by Bobo, had managed to fully awaken and both joined their friends for a quick repast.

Willum walked over to them with Max sitting firmly on his shoulder.
"Now here's a gang o' dangerous lookin' coves if ever I saw one. I best get ya off'n this ship afore ye decide to take the Rose fer yer own," he laughed, "so I reckon I needs ta get us all over ta Pisis. The boats be ready when you are gents...," he looked at Robbi, "and lady."

He led then to their debarkation point on the deck and pointed down to the empty longboat.
"Climb on down fellas, we'll do our own rowin'...and by us I means you. Robbi and I'll man the tiller."

Chumley grumbled.
"A slave-driver, that's what 'e is. Ah'm a delicate flower, ah am and 'e means ta raise blisters on mah paws."

Willum clapped his friend on the back and chortled.
"Ya kin use some least two or three. I aims ta send ya back to that sweet wife of yourn in better shape than I got ya."

"Yeah, ah'm just countin' mah blessings, ain't ah?" the garrulous rat retorted.

"Yeah, ah'm just countin' mah blessings, ain't ah?" the garrulous rat retorted

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