Chapter 1: The Path

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Reaching the room, Talion opens the door and I look around. Seeing this ultra-modern suite, for the first time, I'm mesmerized by how beautiful it is inside. This is where my kids have been living all this time, with Kelly and then Talion. The foyer is like a 5-star hotel and when I look up and see that there is a second level, I'm blown away. The wooden spiral stairs wrap around this giant circular room and there is a huge chandelier sparkling above a beautiful bouquet of roses on a large glass table. Walking in further, to the right there is a huge study and on the left is a gigantic, yet elegant, living room. This place looks like the presidential suite.

This is where we are staying?

"Wow, how beautiful!" I say as Talion turns to me with a smile.

He answers, "I know, it's so nice and the kids have been loving it here. I hope they have not become too used to this lifestyle, because the ranch is not this modern. It's a work in progress still, and there is much to do. Remember, I've been living like a bachelor for years and it needs a lot of cosmetic work."

With a smile, I state, "Sweetheart, they will be happy as long as we're together. You know Luke, he just wants to be able to swim and you have a pool. Then Ella will be happy if we paint her room hot pink. Our kids are not snobby or spoiled, and they will love the fact that their father will be with them. Remember, Dan never treated them very well. He seemed bothered by our kids as if it was their fault they were born. Trust me, the twins will be thrilled and much more well-adjusted, once we in California."

Walking into the living room, Talion takes a seat, and I do as well. He looks at me as though we need to talk, and I have a feeling we are not going to California. He takes my hand and kisses it.

"Cece, I think it would be best if we return to New York. There, the kids can settle back in and pick up where they left off, with the same friends and knowing the school. Talking with them, Luke and Ella wish to return and I kind of want to give them this, for now. Maybe I'm just trying to get them to like me, but I think they need closure, as well." He says while looking at my hand.

With a smile, I reply, "I understand, but they are going to ask a lot of questions. How are we going to explain what happened? When they drive by the street, our two will see that our entire neighborhood is now a pile of sand."

"Well, we will cross that bridge when we come to it, Cece. I get what you are saying and it's up to you, but this is what they asked for, from me." He explains.

Taking my hand away, I add, "So now I'll be the bad guy... That's not good, Talion. Listen to me, when it comes to our kids, we need to have a united front. Now, they will be going back to a town where the other kids will question them about everything. Did you think about that, sweetheart? Luke and Ella are going to get the third degree by everyone in that town, plus we will too just so you know. We are the only ones who survived and the questioning will never end."

Standing up, Talion says, "Fine, then we will go there for a little while and then move to the ranch, in a few weeks. It's just that, my entire staff is gone. They left during the outage and I did not feel right, forcing them to return, while the power was still out."

Turning to him, we kiss and I reply, "You are a good man, do you know that? Those people probably needed to protect their families, too. I'm sure they appreciated the fact that you didn't force them to return, knowing that your business would take a hit."

"More than a hit, Cece. To be honest, I probably lost a majority of my crops without being able to water. Actually, I should go to the ranch myself and then later you all can meet me there in a few weeks. I have no idea what has happened to my business, and even my house manager has not returned my calls." Talion says, and his statement shocks me.

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