Chapter 15: Home

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After a few of the old women dry me off after my strange bath, I feel violated and a bit man-handled. They checked me over and made sure there was not a single drop of blood left on me.

So why pour it all over my body, to begin with? What are they going to do to me now? My powers are returning and the paralyzing drug is wearing off. Now, I just need to get out of here and figure out where I am.

"Alright, bring out the robes and we will dress her. Then she will be placed in the great hall, for all to see, momentarily." The old woman says, and this upset me.

Great, they are putting me on display for their coven? This needs to end, here and now, but I want to see that woman in the other room. What if she is my mother? Then again, how many women named Clair are there in the world and here I am contemplating my one chance to escape on a woman with the same name as my mother? Hell, I could escape these old ladies even without my powers, but once the congregation returns, that will be a different story.

As one woman comes to me with golden robes, the other, doing my hair, helps her put them on me.

My arms are still weak, along with my legs, but I can feel the strength within me start to tingle. These women are beautiful, older, but they were gorgeous in their prime.

While they dress me, I notice the blonde one staring into my eyes.

She seems familiar, and I wonder if this one is Sister Clair. She has green eyes, just like me...

"Sister Marie, I forgot the tie. Can you retrieve it for me, please?" She says as the brunette nods and leaves the room.

The woman waits for her to leave the room, and then she whispers, "Cecelia, is your body waking up? Can you move, sweet girl?"

Not knowing what to say, I just stare at her and say nothing. Trying to remain motionless is hard, but I must.

She adds, "Alright, but your body will start working soon, so do not worry. Trust me, this has happened to me as well and anytime now, you will be able to move. When this happens, I will get you out of here. Just wiggle your toes if you understand me."

In my mind, what harm can it do? I comply with her request and move my big toe. She sees this and then hugs me. The woman has a big smile on her face and she kisses my head.

"Cecelia, this is going to be confusing, but we don't have a lot of time. I'm your mom, and I've been held captive here since you were born. I'm so sorry this is happening to you, but your fate will not be like my own. I will set you free. Just give it a little time, my sweet girl, and I'll help you escape. They are watching me closely, but I have a plan. Just know that I love you and Kelly, with all of my heart, and I will save you, baby." This woman says quickly and softly.

"Sister Clair, why are you in here? You were told to stay in the other room." The old woman says in an angry tone.

"Oh, I brought in her golden robes, and Sister Marie is right behind you. Everything is perfect and she will be a beautiful Queen Mother." Clair says calmly.

The brunette says, "Yes, I've been right here the entire time, Sister Alaina. Here Sister Clair, use this golden tie, to keep her robes closed."

The old hag then says, "Fine, I will have the bearers come to collect her. Lay the Queen Mother down and get her ready for display."

"Yes Mother, your granddaughter will be ready very soon," Clair says, as I try not to look shocked.

The older woman shoots my mother a nasty look, and I can tell that she did not want me to know her identity.

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