Chapter 10: Excuses

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After dinner, the four of us sit and watch a show on TV. Personally, I have no idea what we are watching, because I keep looking outside at the rain coming down. Rose has not returned since she ran out of here, after breaking the news that she's pregnant with Dan's twins. Talion did not take it well, he didn't know what to say, and it went badly.

I think he's still trying to come to terms, that his brother did all of this to him, once again. What reason would he have to sleep with Rose, unless Talion did care about her, more than he'll admit to? Well, with Dan, it didn't matter because he would do anyone, anywhere and at any time. I believe, seeing her, he must have thought that Talion replaced me. We look so much alike. Maybe that's why he got her pregnant.

"Alright, kids, time for bed," I say, as they both turn and look at me.

Talion adds, "Yes, it's time because tomorrow your both starting school."

"They are?" I ask, in confusion.

He replies, "Didn't Rose tell you? She signed them up today. Neither one of us knew that tomorrow was the big day until she called. Now, I don't want to hear any crying about it, because it's just the law."

Looking back at them, I then say, "It will be great and you'll meet a bunch of new friends. Here, let's go pick out your first-day outfits."

"Are you serious? This is how we find out that there is school tomorrow? We've been here for 2 days and now we're shipped off to school!" Luke shouts as Ella starts to cry.

Talion stands up and says, "Listen, it's not a boarding school and you only go until 3:00, then you're bused home. It will be fine, so no more complaining. Go on up and get your clothes ready for tomorrow. Mom doesn't need to help you with that. You're big kids now."

Snapping my head around at Talion, I then reiterate, "I will help you pick out some clothes and just think, you have an entirely new wardrobe to choose from now. Come on, let's go."

Up in Ella's room, I start laying outfits out for her to choose from, when she says, "That was weird. Daddy sounded just like... him."

"I agree, mom. He sounded like dad." Luke says as my anxiety kicks into full gear.

Ignoring my feelings, I reply, "Well, Talion is your daddy, and he's going through a lot right now. As for Dan, he is gone forever. Please, let's just get ready for bed."

Thinking back, I remember that same conversation on the last, first day of school for the kids.

They even see that Talion is acting just like Dan. Alright, this is crazy and my imagination is working overtime.

Walking downstairs, I hear Talion talking to someone, and when I come around the corner; he is hugging Rose. She immediately backs away from him, as my husband turns and sees me standing there.

Pushing my feelings down, I say, "You're back. I'm glad you returned so that we can talk. Where did you go?"

She looks at me and then says, "I went home for a little while."

I ask, "Home? Where do you live? I thought you..."

Talion says, "She rents a house from me on the edge of my property. Rose has been with me for 9 years and she will stay on throughout all of this if she wants."

"I agree with Talion. Please don't go and we'll help you in any way possible. Now is not the time to uproot and change your life. Here, you are safe, warm, and you are cared for, Rose." I say softly.

Talion then adds, "I could not have said it better myself."

Looking at him, she nods and says, "Okay, I'll stay, for now."

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