Chapter 9: The Help

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Waking up in the morning, it's still dark out, and I look at the clock. It's 8 a.m. but it looks to be about 8:00 at night.

Did Talion even come home? His side of the bed looks undisturbed. Why am I having déjà vu? He is nothing like Dan, yet I have these old fears that rise up and make themselves known too regularly. Alright, instead of laying here, wracking my brain, I'd better get up and find out what is going on.

Once I'm downstairs, I see that all the lights are on and that someone was in the kitchen. There are 2 coffee mugs in the sink which makes me believe I assume Talion and Jaxon were down here discussing their plan of action.

"Good morning Mrs. Astaroth. I mean, Cece," Rose says with a smile.

Seeing that she is wide awake and ready to go, I wonder if one of those mugs was hers.

"Good morning to you. Looks like another cold one, I see. Hey, have you seen Talion?" I ask nonchalantly.

"Yes, he came home earlier and said that he didn't want to wake you, so Talion slept down here. Did you want to call him? I have the number of the shop and you can add it to your phone if you'd like?" Rose states.

Reaching for it, I realize that my cell is up in our room. I could go up and retrieve it, but I plan to join my husband in the harvest today.

"No, that's alright. Do you know where they are starting the harvest?" I ask as she looks out the window.

Rose hesitates and then answers, "Talion said that you should stay here and help the kids get more established. That while in your condition, he did not want anything happening to you or the baby."

"Oh, I see... Well, just because I'm pregnant doesn't mean I can't help in some way or another." I reply.

Rose says, "Can I just say that I agree. Men have no idea how tough we are, and they tend to treat us like we are fragile. I think the guys are starting on the north acres, which if you were heading out of the house in the jeep, you'd go straight down the driveway, take a right, over to the shop and then take another right, past the tunnel. The migrant workers will all be out there and they are great guys. I'd stop in the shop and make sure he's not inside there working on the plan first."

I reply, "Thank you, Rose, I guess I'll head out then."

"Did you want something to eat first? I'll make the kids some pancakes, but I could whip you up an omelet or something." She says to me as I slide off the chair.

"Actually, I'm good, but thank you. I just need a bottle of water and I'll be on my way." I state as she grabs one out of the fridge, along with a power bar.

Rose says quickly, "Here, this is just a little protein bar, in case you get hungry."

"Perfect and thanks again, for everything," I say while walking out to the driveway.

Driving around to where Rose said they would be, I see a few trucks at the shop, so I stop there first. I hope Talion is there, so I can plead my case and help with the grapes.

After all, women have been working in the fields since the beginning of time and I can handle it. Plus, if I get tired, I'll just head home for a bit.

Opening the door, I walk inside, and it seems deserted. Looking up at the painting, I'm in awe of it, to be honest, and find myself staring at this mural he made of me.

I'm not thrilled that all these guys have now pretty much seen me naked, but it's too late now.

Hearing voices, I turn and see a group of men walking in the door. They are all speaking Spanish and I can pick up on a few words that I remember from 9th grade.

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