~17~ Oh God...

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Cameron POV

All week Anna and I have been hanging out and have gotten closer than we've ever been.

It's funny how just a month and a half ago I was dating Elizabeth and thought that it was the best thing in the world. If I had never come upon that abandoned Warehouse I never would've met Anna or found out that Elizabeth was cheating.

I've also been thinking about what Aaron told me. I want to make my move with Anna, but I'm not sure how or what I should do.

Aaron and I have started getting closer as well. We've been texting almost every day. And by texting, I mean me annoyingly spamming his phone until he responds to my texts.

This week was really fun, but Anna and I decided we would follow Elizabeth and Carter to their "club" meeting again today. We found out they had a meeting this Friday when I overheard Elizabeth talking to her best friend, Ellie.

I'm honestly really nervous about it all... especially about finding out what they did to Tarah, Tyson's sister. I'm not sure if I'll find out today, or if I ever will. I hope I do, so I can understand what this means to Tyson.

We also visited the Warehouse to give them all the information we found. It wasn't enough to bring to the police, but it would be good extra evidence that they were trying to manipulate me and my parents into doing what they wanted.

All the guys seemed like they were seriously proud of me for getting that information, even though I didn't really think it was that much. We don't have their confession on tape and we can't do much with what we have because they never said outright that they were selling weed. The most they can do is start an investigation and by the time they start it the families would've covered up their tracks already.


We were following Carter and Elizabeth to the Library when we heard a phone ring and they stopped walking. I pulled Anna into a nearby closet and she turned on the recorder that Tyson gave us.

"Something's wrong," Elizabeth said in a worried tone.

"What's wrong? Who is it?"

"It's my mom. She only calls when something serious is happening."

"Okay well answer it. Don't worry I'm right here with you." 

After several minutes of Elizabeth repeatedly saying "I understand." "Yes, mother." and sighing into the phone she finally hung up.

"What happened?" Carter asked after a few seconds of silence.

"Apparently one of our 'customers' let slip what we were doing again. This is a repeat from the last incident and my mom is worried it's getting out of hand. Don't worry, she convinced the police that they had the wrong address and that they should check elsewhere. Not before they checked the whole house though, it's a good thing we moved the stuff to a different location or else that would've been bad."

"It's a good thing we even have the stuff in the first place. I was fully convinced that we were never even going to get it and that we were going to be attacked by all the people in that room."

I heard Elizabeth giggle, sigh, then say, "Come on let's go before they actually do attack us for being late."

We followed them into the library, but entered through a different door, just like last time.

"We have a problem." We heard a high pitched voice say from the front of the room as soon as Carter and Elizabeth entered.

"Another one!" Elizabeth said in an extremely frustrated voice.

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