~21~ Psychotic Bitches

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Cameron POV

Everything happened really fast after we got the confession from Ellie.

Anna and I drove to the Warehouse, neither of us daring to speak a word to each other after what just happened.

I felt extremely bad for Ellie. I just really hope we can find a way to spare her because she doesn't deserve this. Even in the little time that I knew her while I was dating Elizabeth she was always an extremely sweet and kind person, always going out of her way to help others. This secret was probably a very hard thing to keep, and now that I know everything I can tell why Elizabeth forced her to stop hanging out with me as much.

She was very talkative and a few times when Elizabeth was "casually" talking to me about my opinions on drugs -which I now know wasn't so casual- Ellie would always randomly butt in with things like "drugs are extremely bad for you" and "they could kill you" like she was trying to warn me of something. Of course I didn't see it then, but now that I do I'm extremely grateful.


When we got to the warehouse we immediately went to the back. Anna had all the audio evidence in her hands as she stomped over to Tyson's office. When any of the guys tried to talk to her she ignored them and just kept walking. She even ignored Aaron.

"Is she alright?" Aaron asked me as I was briskly walking behind her, trying to match her pace.

"Yeah she's fine, we just got all the evidence we need to take down the families. It was a lot and the girl we got the confession from wasn't all that bad. We both feel bad but I think Anna feels really guilty about it and wants to get this over with."

He nodded his head and followed us into Tyson's office.

"This is everything we need," Anna said as she slapped down the recorder on the table.

Tyson looked surprised. "You got it? It's all on here?" He picked up the recorder and turned it around in his hands.

"Yep. All there, now let's go down to the police station and turn it in. I honestly can't wait any longer."

A giant smile spread over Tyson's face. "Okay then... let's go..." His face was a mixture of disbelief and happiness.

Just as the 4 of us were walking through the door to Tyson's office and were about to leave the warehouse we heard an all too familiar voice.

"Well well well... if it isn't my dear sweet Cam Cam. You finally found out the dirty little secret I've been keeping from you for years."

"What are you a villain from a kid's movie?" Aaron sarcastically commented.

Elizabeth was thrown off her mojo and looked seriously offended. "What- I- you-"

All the guys in the warehouse plus Anna started laughing. Elizabeth probably planned this to be a very serious and menacing encounter, but it was a total laughing fest for the rest of us.

"SHUT UP!" She screeched, but instead of everyone getting quiet like they did in the library, everyone just laughed louder. She pouted and crossed her arms over her chest like a little kid. I could even see a few of the people Elizabeth arrived with trying to stifle a laugh.

In between giggles, Anna managed to ask, "What- what are you doing here- D- Dr. Doofenshmirtz."

Even Carter couldn't hold back his laugh this time and snorted. The whole warehouse was filled with the laughter of all of Anna and Tyson's friends. And... I guess they're mine now too. After all, I'm standing with them and laughing at Elizabeth's expense, instead of over there with the two people that stabbed me in the back.

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