~20~ For Tarah

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Annabel POV

It was now Monday.

The day that Cam and I were going to tell Tyson what we found and give him the evidence, and the day we were going to confront Ellie.

I was extremely nervous.

I was nervous that this would all be for nothing and they would find some way to evade the law. I was nervous that something was going to go wrong and Elizabeth, Carter, Ellie, or even that random guy Tim was going to do something to one of us. I had terrible luck with the law, so who knows what could happen with me being there.

I told Cameron how I felt about the whole thing and the whole day he was being an enormous help with calming my nerves.

He was telling me about how the police couldn't deny that this was going on because of the proof they had and if they did we could go to a higher level of government and complain to them. Someone eventually had to realize that this wasn't right instead of being blinded by money or blackmailed. Hopefully we wouldn't need to do that, but we were trying to be prepared for anything.

He was also being a little more touchy-feely than normal and I wasn't sure if that was because of the stress or something else.

I hope it wasn't all because of stress.

Aaron told me that he thinks that Cameron likes me, but I'm not sure. Other than comforting me he doesn't seem to be interested in me than more than a friend. Then again, I probably haven't been dropping any major hints myself.

But I can't be dropping any hints so either way it doesn't matter.

I don't even know why I want him to reciprocate my feelings, we couldn't be together anyway. I can't risk him getting hurt by Tony. I wouldn't be able to take it if anything happened to him. Plus if we did date Tony would try to hurt him, and he'd probably bolt the minute Tony showed up. I'd rather keep him as a friend then lose him as a boyfriend.

I can't be worried about these things right now. I'm in my last period of the day and although this class usually feels like my slowest class, today it's going by faster than ever. I feel like I just got here and we're already 5 minutes to dismissal.

"You alright?" Cameron whispered from his seat next to me.

"Yeah I'm fine," I answered with a smile.

I was anything but fine.

After a couple more minutes of my math teacher droning on about today's lesson she let us pack up and Cameron and I went over the plan one more time.

"You know what to do right?" Cameron asked me in the middle of putting away one of his books.

"Ask her about the weed and say that I heard that she and a couple of others were selling it. Then, once she starts giving me details I send you an already typed message to cue you in. After that, you'll-"

I was cut off by the bell.

"You got it, make sure to type that message before you see her and I'll be waiting not too far away." He winked at me and walked off.

I made sure to type "Do your thang GB" in our chat to try and ease some of the tension before walking off to find Ellie.

I spotted her strawberry blonde waves bouncing in the crowd and quickly walked up to her.

"Hey! Ellie right?" I asked tapping on her shoulder.

"Yeah! What's up? Oh... you're Anna right?"

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