Chapter 7: The Hero of Ferelden

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We did it. The Blight is finally over. As soon as I chopped off the archdemon's head and a burst of light created an explosion, the darkspawn retreated and ran back down the hole where they came from.

I attended the coronation of my love, Alistair, despite knowing it meant the official end to our relationship. Everyone cheered for the new king and hero. He stood centered as he waited for everyone to quiet down for his speech.

"My friends, we are gathered to celebrate my coronation and for those responsible for our victory. Of those who stood against the darkspawn siege of Denerim, there is one in particular who deserves commendation." His eyes stared at me filled with pride and love. "The one who led the final charge against the archdemon remains with us still, an inspiration to all she saved that day." He then motioned for me to join him on the platform. "Ladies and gentlemen, may I present to you the hero of Ferelden, the first Grey Warden to defeat the Blight since Garahel four centuries ago." The crowd cheered along with the barks from my faithful dog Rocky. "My friend, it is hard to imagine how you could have aided Ferelden more. I think it only appropriate that I return the favor. Is there any boon that you might request of Ferelden's king? If it is within my power, I will grant it."

"You already know what I really want Alistair." I muttered under my breath. 

He looked at me sadly with a small nod. "I know, and so do I. But I can't marry you even if I wanted to. But I don't want to lose your friendship." He whispered softly back to me. 

What do I want? Freedom from the Circle? I'm already free by becoming a Grey Warden. Well, I always wanted a place to call home. A place for myself. "A title and the riches to go with it, I think."

He looked at me with surprise. He definitely wasn't expecting that answer. "Loghain's teyrnir in Gwaren stands empty, as does his estate. And I gladly pass both onto you." He then smiled brightly and nodded before bringing his attention to the audience. "Let it also be known that the arling of Amaranthine, once the land of Arl Howe, is now granted to the Grey Wardens. There they can rebuild, following the example of those who went before them." He turned back his sole attention  to me. "What are your plans? Will you remain with the Grey Wardens?" He asked softly so only I can hear.

"I will stay at my new estate and help to rebuild the order." I replied.

"So you'll stick around at court for a while, yes? I won't be all alone." He grinned.

We said our goodbyes and I walked away from him. I noticed all my companions except for Morrigan, who left without goodbyes when I killed the archdemon, waiting for me. I said thank you to each one of them for helping me save the world. Once I said goodbye, I noticed Jowan was standing at the back corner of the hall. I walked up to him.

"Jowan! I did not expect you to be here." I hugged him.

"Why wouldn't I be here to celebrate my best friend?" He chuckled. "I'm so proud of you Scar. I always knew you'd be a great mage."

"What will you do now? You're an apostate after all." I crossed my arms with a raised eyebrow.

"I... I actually wanted to talk to you about that." He cleared his throat. "I want to do good, like you. I don't want to be in hiding my whole life. I want to be someone. I want to be a Grey Warden."

My eyes widened. "A Grey Warden? Are you sure?"

He nodded with determination. "I want to help people. You inspired me."

"Well, we do need new Wardens. But I have to warn you that not everyone lives to make it." He looked at me confused. "There's a ritual that must take place, like a Harrowing, before we fully become a Warden."

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