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We sit in the same place for awhile, not bothering to move.

"Do you want to..." Tobias begins, I lean in and kiss him roughly. "Sure?" I don't answer, just begin to pull his shirt off. We break away to pull his shirt off and then we continue. I pause while he kisses my neck.

"Are we going to do this on the sofa?" He stops as well.

"Good point." He hoists me over his shoulder and carries me to our room. He places me down on the bed, gently. Then removes my shirt. He kisses my neck, my ravens, my stomach. His hands travel up and down from my upper back to my hips. He crashes his lips to mine, full force.

"Tobias?" He mumbles something along the lines of 'Yes, Tris'. "Do you want kids?" I'm not sure whether to regret what I just said until he stops kissing me and answers.

"Now?" I nod. "Well, let's get going then." I chuckle in relief. I don't regret what I said... He kisses me again whilst we remove each other's pants and underwear. "You ready?"

"Yeeesss." It escapes my mouth as a moan. We both moan and grunt continuously. Together.

We sleep afterwards, finally after a long, late night. I'm so tired that I fall asleep in Tobias's arms almost straight away.

I wake up to my naked body against Tobias's naked body.  I nudge him, still sleepy.

"What?" He groans, clearly still tired.

"I'm awake." 

"I gathered that." He's so grumpy in the mornings and sarcastic. I chuckle and begin to get out of bed. He places a hand on my thigh, stopping me. "Don't go, it'll go cold..." I burst out laughing until we hear thumping on the door.

"I'll get it." I go to stand again but he stops me again.

"Leave it. I'm too tired to put clothes on." Oh yeah. I grab my underwear, an oversized sweatshirt and a pair of leggings. I stand this time and change. Right in front of him. I laugh when I see his face. "Trisss! You can't do that in front of me and expect me to talk to the person on the other side of that goddamn door." He complains, so I finish getting changed and pick up his clothes. I bunch them up into a ball and throw them in his face.

"Sorry!" I laugh and head to the front door.

"I'll get you in a minute, Tris." I continue to laugh as I open the door.


"Tris! Total emergency!" I'm about to ask what but she tells me. "Will and me are going through a bumpy patch."

"And by that you mean...?" She sits down, her head lying on the sofa.

"He doesn't know..." I hear a clatter in the bedroom. Tobias probably fell over in a rush to get changed.

"Know what?"

"I'm pregnant." Christina?!? What?! Zeke and Shauna now Christina and Will? Even me? Maybe...

"Well go tell him!"

"Come with me..." I pull of face of a groan. "Please, Tris." She gives me her best begging face and I give in.

"Alright..." I pause. "Let me shower and I'll come."

"Okay." I get up and go into the bathroom. I take off my clothes and turn the shower on. This is going to be a weird week.

"Tris! Are you done yet?" I hear Christina shout through the door. Opps. I completely forgot. I get out of the shower and change back into what I was wearing earlier. I step out of the bathroom. Ready. Tobias comes out of the bedroom at the same time. His face is slightly flushed with pink. He comes up behind me as I make my way to the front door, which Christina is stood at waiting for me.

"See you later, gorgeous." He whispers, his voice sends shivers down my spine. I leave with Christina.

We get to Will and Christina's place quickly and we end up sat on their sofa.

"Will." He sits next to Christina. I feel like I'm so third wheeling here... "I'm pregnant." His while have drops. Good or bad...?

"That's amazing!" He shrieks and they kiss. I think my work here is done. I think and leave.

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