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We wake in the morning. I'm excited and there's no doubt Tobias is nervous. I could see it even when he was asleep earlier.

"Tris?" Tobias says, his face confused.

"Yes?" I ask sitting up on the sofa. Tobias sits himself next to me.

"What...what if your parents don't like me?" I laugh.

"Mum's already met you. She seemed happy enough then." I chuckle knowing that Tobias is a stress head similar to myself.

"But your dad, he might not-" I grab his hand in mine.

"It'll be fine." I smile reassuringly and he smiles back half-heartedly. I know he's worried, to be honest, I am too.

We change Caleb into some old clothes, so he actually looks factionless.

We run along with the train, Caleb trailing slightly behind. Tobias jumps, clinging onto the side of the cart. He offers me his hand. I gladly take it. He pulls me in close to him, our foreheads touching and the places me gently in the train cart. I burst out laughing when Tobias helps Caleb onto the cart, Caleb ends up whacking his head on Tobias's arm. Caleb sits down awkwardly on the left of the cart and I sit on Tobias's knee on the right side. He leans his lips close to my cheek but not touching me. I feel awkward for Caleb.

Sometime later, we get ready to jump. I know Caleb's nervous even though he's jumped before. I hold Tobias's hand and we launch off the train cart together. We land on our feet, luckily and Caleb jumps shortly afterwards. Caleb lands squatting down, his knees probably caved in. I've done it plenty of times to know that.

"This way." I say, pulling Tobias to the Abnegation houses. Caleb gets up and follows.

I notice how Caleb blushes when we walk past Susan's house. I'm sure they used to have a thing for each other. Me and Robert always exchanged looks, knowing that they would flirt - Abnegation style.

"Here." Caleb speaks up. Home. Caleb taps on the door three times. Mum answers it. Her face brightens up when she sees us. She knew I was coming soon, right? I wasn't going to leave them forever.

"Beatrice, Caleb." I don't feel the urge to correct her to 'Tris', she's my mum. She chose that name so she can say it. I hold Tobias's hand and pull him closer to my side. "Four." She says, slightly dazed. "Oh, come in!" She moves out of the doorway and we enter. I blush as she smiles at our joint hands.

We sit in the living room, me, Tobias and Caleb all on one side of the table and mum and dad on the other.

"So, how are you two?" Dad asks, glancing at us all.

"Good." We reply at the same time.

"Are you okay, Caleb, it must be terrible living in the factionless?" Mum asks, Caleb glances at me. He can lie just as well as me, I know it.

"Yes, it's not too bad actually, I made a mistake in choosing Erudite. I'm sorry." He says, looking to the floor.

"It's all past now, Caleb." She smiles. I love mum's smile, it's comforting abd reassuring.

"Are you two a thing then?" Dad says, releasing a breath.

"Yes, sir, we are." Says Tobias for me. I don't know how on earth I'm going to tell them about being pregnant. Maybe they've guessed by my small bump.

"I seem to recognise you from somewhere, Four." Dad says.

"I think we all do, Andrew." Mum says. She's right. He's a bit more muscular and taller since he was last in Abnegation but a face like his is hard to forget.

"Tobias Eaton." Tobias says, holding his hand out to dad. Dad accepts it and they shake hands.

"Long time no see, Tobias." Dad says.

"Me and Tobias have something to tell you." I blurt out. I'm becoming Candor, I swear.

"Anything, Tris." It sounds weird, mum calling me Tris. I've been used to Beatrice my whole life.

"We're married." Says Tobias for me. I hold my hand up, the ring gleaming in the light. Mum's face lights up. I know she's been looking forward to bpth of us getting married - me and Caleb. I take in a sharp breath before saying.

"And expecting." I almost want to never look at dad but my eyes draw me to him.

"That's great!" Mum says, I think so dad can't say anything. "How long left?"

"Around five or six months." Tobias says. He knows it.

"Girl and boy twins." I smile, almost landing in dreamland.

"My girl's all grown up." Dad says unexpectedly. Definitely never expected to hear those words forom my dad.

"I think we should get going, it's getting late." Caleb says. I yawn.

"Yes, wouldn't want to keep pregnant lady up now, would we?" Mum says clapping her hands together. We all rise, including mum and dad.

"You'll come visit us when they are born, won't you?" Dad asks. He's been really nice for some reason... I nod.

"Of course we will." Tobias says, rubbing circles on my hand.

I ended up asleep on the train, so when we got back to our apartment, Caleb left straight away and I got changed and in bed.

Tobias lies next to me.

"I love you, Tris." He kisses my forehead.

"I love you, Tobias." He smiles then kisses me. I begin to fall asleep when I feel his lips touch my belly twice. I smile as I'm pulled into sleep.

Anyone what to ask me any questions? About whatever, personal life, Divergent or just anything:') ?! Thank you all:) 12k + now :D

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