Chapter Three

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Out of the Darkness



When my eyes spring open after about four hours of sleep, I know I won't be getting anymore. It took three hours in the gym late last night to even get me to the point of wanting sleep. Eventually, probably when my body shuts down, I will get a full night's rest again.

But for now, coffee and energy drinks seem to be the only things keeping me going during the day. At least the sun has already begun to come up, so being up and about at this time doesn't look weird.

Once I've dressed for the day, I start making my way down the maze of hallways leading downstairs. As soon as I get to the top of the main stairs, I can hear Luke and Keegan talking. I haven't seen much of my Uncle, nor Keegan, since coming back to life. Other than Lexie, I really haven't seen anyone. She's the only one who I even want around me.

"Go get Aemilia!" Luke shouts with anger, disgust, and a little bit of horror in his voice.

"And what do you think she's going to be able to do?" Keegan challenges him.

"What's going on?" I ask as I come down the stairs more. "And watch your tone with Keegan, Luke."

For the life of me, I can't understand why everyone feels they can treat Keegan differently than they did Septimus. People didn't raise their voices to him, so what is it about Keegan that they feel they can? I get it; he's a new werewolf and doesn't quite understand how everything works, but everyone knows he's Second. I might just have to tell Keegan to use his Guild Leader powers on everyone until they learn that he's supposed to be heard.

Luke huffs, and I can see a little relief in his eyes, but then I see Elena standing next to him. Her eyes are sad, but with everything that's happened, that's not surprising. I know Elena, and her now deceased mate Noah, found each other at the very first gathering Mom and Dad ever held. I didn't know either of them personally, but like with any mates, I know their bond was strong.

"Aemilia is trying to play matchmaker," Luke replies, his voice rising again. He points to Elena, and continues, "I went to tell her that it's time to take her and her packs to the airport, and my wolf demanded that I claim her."

My mouth falls open as my eyes widen. Every werewolf knows what it means for your wolf to want something. The need to complete whatever the task is is almost impossible to handle.

But I've never heard of one wolf having multiple mates. I didn't know that was plausible.

"Uh," I brilliantly say. I look to Keegan, and both of us are just as dumbfounded as the other. The only thing I can really think to say in return is, "Did you claim her?"

Luke's mouth falls open as if what I asked is something preposterous. His reaction isn't surprising. Both Luke and Elena have lost their mate recently. Aunt Nikiya died barely two weeks ago, and Noah died in the bombing not even a week ago.

Out of the Darkness~ The Guild Leader Chronicles Book FiveWhere stories live. Discover now