Chapter Eleven

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Out of the Darkness


Dr. McCoy

Ever since my meeting with Mrs. Cicero three days ago, there hasn't been a day that goes by that I haven't thought about Anna, my old nanny. Meeting with someone who clearly knows what she's talking about has made me miss my old caregiver. I had thought Anna was the dark wizard her bedtime story painted setting off these bombs, but from what Mrs. Cicero told me, I know that can't be true. I didn't know any better, and when my parents moved us across the pond, I lost contact with the blond-haired woman, so I had no idea what happened to her.

When the bombs started, I didn't know they were because of black magic. I had been just like everyone else. I had thought it was different groups of terrorists setting them off, but then it was like the bombs started going off on a schedule. When more and more kept going off, I started looking into it independently. First thing I noticed about all the attacks was that there was no evidence. There was nothing left behind at any scene, and according to bomb experts, that doesn't happen.

There is always something left behind. A piece of the bomb, a cell phone used to detonate it, something. When I started to put the pieces together, between Anna's stories and the files on the bombs, I thought Anna had been the one behind them. She had said she was related to the man responsible for creating the magic, and she was the only witch I had ever known.

Come to find out though that Anna died about ten years after we moved to the States from old age.

When I found out she was dead, I found myself back at square one. I had no leads, and no one that I could talk to without them thinking I was crazy. It wasn't until thousands were killed in New York City, at a Beyoncé concert of all places, that I decided I had to make someone listen to me. I talked to a contact I have at the FBI, and they set me up with a meeting with someone from the CIA the very same night.

Somewhere that night, word had gotten out about my theory, and the media caught wind of it. That night had been the longest night of my life. I was shuffled from one government building to the next, eventually ending up at the White House. It took little to no time getting in to brief the President, but I guess when the head of the CIA, Homeland Security and the FBI are all telling you to listen to one man, you shut up and listen to his theory.

Things became tense when the President flat out said I was being preposterous. But what other theory could there be? We have always heard stories about witches and wizards, good and bad. None of the bombs used around the world left anything to go on, and I think once I was done talking the President understood that. There was nothing else to go off of. None of the world's terrorist groups were claiming responsibility, and according to the NSA, there wasn't any dark web chatter about them.

Out of the Darkness~ The Guild Leader Chronicles Book FiveWhere stories live. Discover now