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Draco Malfoy wasn't meant to walk alone. After the Battle of Hogwarts, the Betrayal Trials took place. The trial and sentencing of every single Death Eater. The trials lasted from 1998-2003. His father, Lucius Malfoy, had been sentenced to Azkaban for life on June 18th, 1999. Narcissa, his wife and Draco's mother, had been let off easy in the morning of June 19th, 1999. The reason? She aided Harry Potter in Voldemort's downfall. Draco Malfoy was tried in the afternoon of June 19th, 1999.

His palms sweat, and even though he tried so hard, he cried. He was vulnerable for the first time since his adolescence. "Draco Malfoy doesn't deserve a sentence. He was too young." Harry Potter chimed. Yes, Harry Potter has come to testify for Draco Malfoy. Draco had thrown Potter his wand after he had miraculously come back to live. Harry told himself as he ran that he wouldn't spend another day hating the Slytherin.

So yes, Draco and Harry Potter were friends in the end. Draco had moved out of his horror of a house, to a flat hidden on the many streets of London. He was an Auror, after Harry spent weeks persuading him. A conversation the new friends will never forget, is when Hermione found out Draco would be working for her. "Draco Malfoy?!" she had howled. Her husband, Ronald Weasley, flinched at her side. Harry had temporarily lost hearing in his left ear. But after all, Draco proved himself to the female Minister of Magic. Turned out being an ex- Death Eater helped during their missions. Soon, Ron, Harry, and Draco were the best Aurors the entire Ministry had ever seen.

So on a fateful night in December, Hermione called an emergency meeting to her household. Once the quartet was seated in her large living room, she took a deep inhale. "I need one of you to go to America." she says simply. Draco and Harry sat in silence, Ron looking at them. "Well, I'm not doing it." Harry says simply, leaning back. "Draco.. please." Hermione begged. "What about your knight in shining armor?!" Draco exclaimed, throwing his hand out in Ronald's direction. "We have a baby on the way, mind you." Hermione said quickly.

Draco sank back and rubbed his face. She wasn't even showing. "You guys don't understand. My Mother already hates me for talking to you lot, and she DESPISES America." Draco reasoned, looking for any answer. "My son's birthday is coming up soon, Malfoy." Potter commented when his blonde friend looked at him. "It's only for a few months, we got you an apartment-" Hermione started, but paused when Draco's eyes almost popped out of his head.

"Months? Months." Draco asked calmly, but an edge played at his voice. "Sorry, mate. I offered, but the wife is the final say." Ron said slowly, eyeing Hermione the whole time. "How would Ginny feel about you missing a birthday?" Draco asked Harry, turning to see his scarred friend. Harry and Ron laughed. "Let's just say you'd be having a roommate." Harry responded.

Draco sighed and looked at Hermione. "Alright, I'll do it." he grumbled. Hermione smiled wide and slowly got up. Draco met her up there, giving her a light hug. If something didn't change, it's how much Hermione loved giving hugs. Even pregnant, Hermione sealed every deal with her friends with a hug. "You leave tomorrow."



So, on December 12, 2006, Draco Malfoy was sitting and waiting to board his plane. Yes, pureblood Malfoy was travelling muggle style. He argued with Hermione for almost 2 hours the previous night about it, but there was no changing her mind. Draco sent a mental blessing to Ron, and for the first time, saw the red head as a hero. Draco got a few stares in the London airport for his attire. He wore a black suit, with a Slytherin pin attached to his green tie.

He ignored every muggle he could, only talking to the ones that he had too. Draco Malfoy had a lot on his mind. He still hadn't told his Mother he was leaving London, much less to go to America. He had broken up with Astoria a few weeks ago, realizing he didn't love her. The problem was that Astoria would not leave the poor man alone. OWl after owl of begging, he almost found it pathetic. Not good looking on her or her family name. So he wondered if the owl's could reach him all the way across the Atlantic.

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