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It was a day before Christmas Eve, and all of Draco's free time was spent with Andie Green. Even when he was at his job, all they did was play games with each other. She brought out a side in Draco that no one had ever known, even himself. On the cold morning of December 23rd, Draco sat at the library table. He had been working hard on these cases. He had cracked 4 out of the 7 kidnappers. All Slytherin families, or ex- Death Eaters. Andie came up behind the man, kissing his cheek. She wrapped her arms around his neck from behind him. Draco grinned, looking up at Andie.

"You know, your shift began 15 minutes ago." she whispered in his ear. Draco groaned and rubbed his face, closing the files. "I'm sorry, Andie." he says quickly, placing his things in his bag. He stood up and walked to the back, grabbing his apron. "I see someone's finally started to work." Teresa chimed, looking up from her book. Draco chuckled as he tied the tie behind his back. "I see someones not." he retorted, turning to face the witch. "I'm on break, sir." she sassed, raising an eyebrow.

Draco nodded, looking down. "I haven't been able to crack the last 3." he told her, washing his hands. "She sent you here for months, it wasn't supposed to be this easy for you." Teresa commented, knowing exactly what he was talking about. "Yes, but what if more people go missing?" Draco asked, rubbing his face again. A habit he got into, always done while stressed. "Oh, please. Draco Malfoy intimidated? Honey, you're the brightest wizard of our age." Hermione was the first face he saw when she said that. He nodded, sighing softly. "Thanks." he told Teresa, walking out of the back room. He took his spot at the cashier.

Andie was sitting on the window, deep in a book. He adored how the sun lit her skin up, and how she bit her lip when she was concentrated. His smile fell softly when he thought of Hermione again. His favorite memory flashed in front o f his eyes, The same tower in sixth year.

Draco held a once again crying, Hermione Granger. Ron Weasley, after all of Hermione's attempts, had kissed Lavender Brown. Draco saw her and Harry collapsed on the staircase, and it broke him to see her cry. So Draco held her in silence, letting her get it all out. Hermione lifted her head from under his chin, looking him in the eyes. "Don't speak." she whispered. Draco felt all the air leave his lungs as he watched the brunette witch.

She took her finger, and placed it back towards his ear, under his jaw. She traced it to his chin, then moved it up to his lips. She moved in silence, her fingers tracing his features. He closed his eyes and breathed, letting Hermione drag her finger over his face. SHe breathed slowly, almost loudly. It was intimate without too much. It was romantic, but simple. It was very Draco and Hermione. Hermione pulled her hand away, placing her thumb on his lower lip. He opened his eyes, placing his own thumb on her chin. They kissed. Her cheeks were still wet from the tears, but her kiss was soft. Genuine.

Draco blinked, and he was back in New York. Andie had disappeared, but a man was coming up to buy a book. Draco smiled. "Hello, sir. How are you?" he asked the man, taking the book and scanning it. Hermione sat on her desk in London, looking out the window. She had been alone with her thoughts for quite some time, and her mind wandered to the blonde Slytherin as well.

Hermione believed that Draco Malfoy had, in fact, been her soulmate. But things happened for a reason, and she couldn't be happier with her life now. The forbidden nights she shared with Malfoy are ones she would never forget, and she smiled softly at the thought of them. A soft knock was placed on her door, and she turned. Ron walked in, holding flowers. "Figured you needed some new ones." he says. Hermione hopped off of her desk, wrapping her arms around the nape of his neck, and kissing her husband. The two smiled, and Hermione will not forget to thank Draco for showing her how to love.


"Let me take you to dinner." Draco pleaded with Andie. Andie laughed and shook her head. The bookshop was closed, and the American trio were closing up for Christmas. "Honestly, Andie. It's free food." Teresa emphasized, stacking the books. Draco placed his palm in the direction of her, looking at Andie. "But you've taken me to dinner so many times!" Andie argued, counting the money in the cashier. Draco whined like a child and drug his hand down his face. "American women!" he exclaimed, grinning. Teresa laughed, looking at Andie for a reaction.

Andie scoffed, turning to her fiends. "Fine! You may take me to dinner." Andie succumbed, watching Draco smile in delight. "American women." he repeated, calm. He took Andie's hand, racing out of the bookstore after Teresa's blessing. "Taxi!" Draco called, Andie laughing. They both got into it, and Draco whispered the place in the man's ear. 

"And where are you taking me?" she asked Draco.

Draco shrugged, looking out the window. 

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