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A little over 24 hours later, Draco stood in his friends bedroom. He was wearing a navy suit and tie. His undershirt was a white button-up, and black shoes. He walked downstairs, looking at Blaise. Blaise was wearing a dark green suit, with a black undershirt and tie. They apparated to the Ministry of Magic and Blaise walked right in. Draco took a deep breath. No doubt, the whole wizarding world of London knew what he was tasked with. It was also his first banquet in this job, and he felt immense pressure.

One again, he took a deep breath and walked inside. He was greeted by many wizards, shaking his hand, and accepting him. People were accepting Draco Malfoy. He couldn't help but smile. He found his friends, hugging them. "Where's the ladies?" he asked over the chatter. Ron shrugged, looking at Harry. "They're probably dancing." Harry said honestly, looking to the dance floor. Ronald agreed, but of course, food was in his mouth. Overall, Draco had a great time, but soon he started getting too many questions. How far along are you, Mr. Malfoy? Do you believe your mother could be one, Mr. Malfoy? They gave him a headache.

He walked out of the busy room, standing on the balcony. He took in a deep breath and found it hilarious the muggles couldn't see them. "You're missing all the fun." a voice said behind him. Draco shook his head, smiling slightly. "Too many questions." he told her. Hermione joined his side, looking out at London. She wore a nude color, floor length dress. IT was adorned with lace flowers and small diamonds across her chest, torso, and waist. It then thinned out on her legs. She was radiant, but Draco had no interest in her. He thought she was beautiful, and he loved her, but not like he used too.

"You know, Draco, I never thanked you." Hermione said after a few minutes of comfortable silence. Draco looked to his side, the woman looked ahead. "For?" he asked after she hadn't said anything. Hermione smiled and looked at her friend. She really did love Draco Malfoy, but just like him, not in the way she used too. "Thank you for showing me what it's like to be loved. What it's like to love somebody." she finally said. Draco smiled, looking again at his friend. "You were my first love, Hermione. I did everything I could for you." he admitted, watching her smile softly. "I know." she says softly.

A slow song came on inside and Draco took his chance. "Dance with me, Granger." he says, sticking his hand out. She smiled and took it, holding his hand. She rested her head on his chest, her other hand laid right next to her head. He wrapped one arm around her waist. He danced with her to the song. He danced away all the memories, all the feelings he might've had left. He really was happy, finally. As he danced with his first love, he thought of Andie.

Hermione cried softly, remembering all the good times they had. THey will grow old as friends, and she wasn't upset about it. Their bond was stronger than ever, and unlike him, she held the memories close. Ron watched from inside, smiling at his wife. He didn't have to get angry. He trusted the both of them. Draco kissed her head, pulling away. "I love you, Malfoy." Hermione whispered. Draco chuckled and wiped her tears. "Love you too. In the most non sexual way possible...ever." he added, making Hermione laugh. He laughed with her, shaking his head.

They embraced for a final time, glad they got everything off their chest. "Don't lose her, Draco." Hermione said softly. "Don't lose him." he responded. The friends separated, and Hermione curtsied. She walked back to the room, taking her husband's arm. Draco turned, watching her. Ron and her shared a passionate kiss, and Draco smiled. He quickly aparrated back to New York, still in his suit. It was 6:17, and the book shop closed soon. He booked it there, pushing people out of the way.

He pushed the door open, grabbing her hand. He pulled Andie close, kissing her deeply. "Draco! How are you-" Draco placed a finger on her lips, shaking his head. "It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter, Andie. I've known you for long enough to know I want to fight to make this work. " Andie smiled wide and nodded. "Let's make it work." she agreed, reconnecting their lips. 

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