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Andie jumped and turned around, laughing softly. "Got an issue with it?" Draco asked, grinning playfully. Andie looked behind the man, and was dumbfounded. She had scanned the room when she turned the corner, and there was nobody on that side of the library. "No." she finally said, smiling softly.

Draco was deep in the hidden wizarding library. Teresa had shown him how to tap the books to reveal the other room. He was in there for a while, looking for books to help him in his case. Missing muggles, all British tourists, all taken by wizards or witches. "Copying me, Green?" Draco purred, running his hands across her neck. She looked at him, and noticed his turtleneck. She laughed breathlessly, peering up into the males eyes. "I-I didn't- I only mean- T-Teresa?" Andie gulped, and walked over to her friend. Draco grinned, and walked back to his table.

Draco carried his smirk for a while, but then things got serious. He opened the file and he sighed. A woman, Loren Retunn, had gone missing back in April of the year. He looked at the picture on the paper, watching it move.It was a captured time in a video where the wizard appeared. "Strange." he mumbled, looking at the photo. He realized immediately the man was wearing a mask, silver, byt the way it glinted when he cast the spell. It was in the form of the dog, the mask, but like the old Egyptian dog. The God. Draco rushed to the history section, grabbing a book on Egyptian gods. "Anubis." Draco whispered, identifying the mask.

The blonde haired man rubbed his head, wondering why the mask was an Egyptian god. He placed the book back on the shelf, and walked back over to the files. "No!" he yelled, running to his table. He quickly closed the folder, leaving Andie stunned. "What were you doing?!" Draco asked quickly. "The picture was moving!" Andie said quickly, pointing at the file. "Are you insane? Pictures don't move." he grumbled, sitting back down. He rubbed his face and groaned, the girl was still behind him. "What do you want?" Draco hissed, turning quickly to see the girl. Andie was taken aback by his sudden aggression, and shook her head. "Nothing." she whispered, slowly walking away.

Draco's silver eyes softened when she turned, and he shook his head. He hadn't meant to lose his temper, but she couldn't see such things. It put people like him in trouble. He didn't dwell on it long, he had work to get too.


Hermione was swamped with work as the press pushed harder and harder to know what was going on. Ron and Harry stood by her side the whole time, helping her deal with the madness. "Draco hasn't figured anything out!" Hermione cried in her office. "Darling, he's only been there two days." Ron reminded her. "He's used to this dark magic! He should have something figured out by now!" Hermione argued. As if on cue, Hermione's phone rang. Harry turned from his spot at the window and looked at her. "Hello?" Hermione whispered, trying to calm down.

"I've got an idea for who the first one is." Draco said, looking at the customers in the library. He was careful not to speak too loud. Hermione put the phone on speaker, and the trio's eyes widened at the news. "Already?" she asked, astonished. "Loren Retunn was a muggle living in the Upper East Side of Manhattan. In case you were unaware, that's where all of the rich blokes are. Like penthouse living, limo driving-" Draco explained. "So basically your type?" Ron asked, leaning back against Hermione's desk. Draco paused and sighed softly. "Yes, Ronald." Draco answered slowly.

He wasn't sure if that was a dig, or merely just Ron analyzing the situation, but it hurt a bit. "Anyways, what was she doing down here? This is lower Manhattan. She had everything she needed up there." Draco continued. Harry's brain was racing, and then he spoke at the same time as Harry. "Imperious spell." They both chimed. Hermione and Ron went rigid and looked at the other. "Who was that? Stealing my thunder." Draco jokes, laughing softly. Hemione broke a smile and shook her head, and Ron gave a chuckle. "Anywho, the man was wearing a mask. It was an Anubis mask, the Egyptian god of the sun. There's a dark family that lives in Wales with Anubis as their family crest." Draco continued, but paused as he got to the name.

It pained him deeply, because this was an old friend. Him and Theordore Nott were never the closest, but they always got along. Always had fun making fun of first years, and figuring out ways to torture Potter. "Draco?" Hermione's voice called. He snapped out of it and sighed. "It's the Nott family. Theodore Nott." he said quietly. The side in London was silent, and nobody moved.

"He wants to be found, Malfoy." Harry says suddenly. "Are you barking?" Ron asked quickly. "No! Listen to me! He was very aware people knew what his crest was. He looks right into the camera before he apparates away with her. He wanted someone to figure it out. Draco, you're a genius." Harry says, sitting in a chair. Draco grinned and looked up, catching Andie staring. "Now, I've got to go. I've got to ask this muggle on a date." Draco drawls, hanging up. "A muggle?" Ron asked. "Good Merlin, did someone obliviate the Draco we know?" Ron asked his friends again.
Draco stood and put on his jacket, putting the files under his arm. He walked up behind Andie and smirked, leaning in towards her ear. "Come to lunch with me." he whispered, watching the hairs on her neck stand. She flushed red, and looked over at Teresa. "I can't, I have work to do." Andie finally says, turning to look at the man before her. Malfoy ran his fingers across Andie's cheeks, watching and feeling them get hotter. "I'm sure she wouldn't mind." he purred, dropping his hand slowly. "I'll be at that pub down the street. Join me if you would like." he said casually, winking at her.

He turned to Teresa, "Thank you, my fine friend." he says, walking backwards towards the door. "Anytime!" Teresa called. Draco looked one more time at the smiling 24-year-old. "You know where to find me." he whispered, his soft voice carrying across the room to her. She smiled wider, and looking back up, he was gone. 

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