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Teresa unlocked the frozen door, pushing hard on it so it would open. Draco reached forward and held the door open so she could walk in. He followed her and closed the door. Teresa turned on the lights and shivered. "I'm going to go get the heat running. You find what you need." she told him, disappearing down some stairs. Draco set his things down at the table directly to his left, sighing.

Draco turned when there was a small peck on the window, and he smiled at the owl. "Well, I'll be." he mumbled, standing up. The boy opened the door briefly, taking the huge folder from the bird. He rubbed its head before it flew away as the sun rose. Draco closed the door and dropped the stack onto the table. He smiled immediately as he felt the heat engulf him. Teresa came back around the corner humming, and glanced at the pile. "Where did you get that?!" she asked, confused as all heck.

"The post just brought it. It's my work." he lied, opening the folder. He would need a wizard library to find the information he needed. Something about the African- American woman at the counter gave him a feeling. If he did this, he risked everything. But Draco always followed his gut, and it was never wrong. So bravely, Draco pulled the wand out of his coat, pointing it at the desk. Teresa looked up, and her eyes widened. Before Draco could think twice, he said the spell. "Accio paper, pen." Draco said.

The paper flew off of the counter, and the pen clicked in mid-air. The pair sat in silence. Draco was breathing heavily, his heart beat like there was no tomorrow. He was ready for his phone to ring with Hermione, asking him what in Merlin he had just done. Teresa stared, and then she laughed. "Accio coat." she whispered, raising her own wand above the counter as she caught her coat. "Brilliant." Draco whispered, and a smile spread across his face.

Andie's alarm clock went off aggressively next to the girls head. She flinched at it's yell, and quickly turned it off. She stretched as she sat up, getting ready to join her friend at the library. Andie got up and did her normal routine. First a shower, and many hair products to help tame her wild hair. As it dried in the towel updo, she did her hair and minimal makeup. She let her hair down, and put half of it up like usual. She slipped on a robe, walking out to the main area. She opened the curtains and smiled at the sun.

If anything, Andie was a very optimistic person. She tries to keep everyone happy. She believes that if she keeps everyone else happy, she'll be happy too. She walked to her kitchen, grabbing strawberries. She began making her smoothie, and then made her cat breakfast. "Mom's coming to the City today, Yellow!" She cheered, setting the kitten's meal in front of her. Yellow meowed, and began eating. "I miss her. And dad and Arnold of course." Arnold was Andie's horrible twin brother. He reflected the Weasley twins, but a little more cruel than fun. She took a drink of her smoothie, and carried it to her wardrobe. She grabbed a white turtleneck sweater, and a pair of pine green jeans. Unlike the style, she wore tight jeans, hating the loose jean trend.

She grabbed her tan boots, that only went up to her ankle, and walked to the door. She put on her cream jacket, zipping it up, and her earmuffs. If anything, Andie was a child. "Be good!" she yelled at Yellow as she locked the door. Then, she was on her way. That's when she saw him. In all of his glory, he sat on the hood of his car, talking to a beautiful woman. Dean Thomas looked up, and smiled softly at her. She rolled her eyes and kept walking, trying to ignore the past. Yes, Dean Thomas of the wizarding world had dated Andie. While trying to keep his secret, he became too closed off, and Andie dumped him.

When she finally arrived at the bookshop, she saw Draco's coat hanging on a chair. She looked up as she slowly removed her own coat, and looked around. "Teresa?" the girl called, hanging her coat on the rack. She slipped the earmuffs off and walked around the corner. Teresa was putting books onto shelves, and Andie sighed with relief. "Andie! Good morning lovely." Teresa smiled. Andie smiled and waved, looking around the store once more. "Whose coat is at the table?" she asked, playing dumb. "Mine." Draco said from behind her. 

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