Chapter 22

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Trouble with balls

I hate exercising.

Basically, I hate every sport, I just think that I'm not really a sporty person. I haven't even exercise in my whole life for goodness sake except from my physical education subject in elementary, other than that, no.

But of course who am I kidding? I would need to face the gym once more and play a sport I know I would not do well.

So here am I, on our sport's uniform, basically a white plain t-shirt with the school's logo and some blue jogging pants with white strips on the side.

Our summer uniform is composed of white collared shirt with a blue and white striped ribbon and a blue and white striped pleated skirt ending on my knees. The guys uniform consist of white collared shirt with the school's logo on the right (as well as the girl's) with a navy blue tie and trousers.

Anyways, here I am again, looking at the gymnasium with a defeated look on my face.

"You two look feeble" one of my classmate, Jian, a Korean exchange student said.

It's true that I look like a coward right now, but whose the other one- oh. My eyebrows perked up as I look at my best friend, Feng Mian who looks intimidated.

She's not an athletic girl but she's not as bad as I so why the look?

"Feng Mian?" She snapped out if her reverie and looked at me blankly. "Something happened? Did you get badly scolded?" Since tests are finished, I bet her parents went to see her scores again.

"....yeah" she's a little out of it but she immediately get her head out if her thoughts again.

We heard the familiar whistle from our teacher and I groaned instantly. Why do we have physical education! I don't think it'll help me further and will just trample on my dignity even more!

"Gather around! We will have a basketball match with the other section which is section 2!" Oh, that's Aifen's class! She must be here somewhere!

As I looked around me, I spun around and saw Aifen, she was surrounded by girls and was talking about something to them. Her gaze drifted and we met gazes, I waved at her and she smiled acknowledging me.

"...ball match. Boys vs boys and girls vs girls" I didn't hear the first part and just listened blankly.

"What?" I whispered at one of my classmates and she gave me the stink eyes first before answering.

"Teacher said that we will have a match with the other section, a basketball match"

Oh no!


I'm doomed! I really am doomed!

We were grouped by saying numbers one and two and unfortunately, Feng Mian is in group one while I'm in group two. I wanted to cry but lack tears at this moment.

"My dearest classmates, I don't think I'll play, I'm not good at basketball" I immediately said after we have grouped ourselves.

"But other's don't know how to play too, we need five but only four can play" one of my classmates, I believe the vice president, said with a look of lost.

I pity her but I pity myself more, I don't think I'll ever walk in a straight back after this game.

"Can...can we have you play? I mean you're like a man and isn't afraid of ball right?"

"I'm not-" I was cut off.

"Then it's settled!" They immediately cheered me and said a lot of encouragement doo all I could hear was my doom nearing.


Now I have to shame myself in front of everyone and my lovely Aifen!

Truly great!

I sighed and admitted defeat, I can't do anything or else I'll be sliced by my group mates if I cowardly left the game.

"I'm telling all of you, I am not good at basketball" they nodded, they must think that I'm just too humble so I repeated. "I really am not good at balls"

"Dotn worry, even if we lose it doesn't matter" one of my classmates said which greatly relieved me.

Finally! Lady luck has shine on me!

"Good luck!"

"Go, go, go!"

Amidst the shouts of my greatly relieved classmates, I finally walked to the basketball court. There I saw someone I knew in my elementary days who play in basketball.

Goodness me! Now I take back what I said lady luck! I'm not in luck now!

Seeing my future doom, all I can do was to sigh and went to battle.

Thirty minutes has passed and I was greatly exhausted. The other players aren't in sweat and only I was sweating buckets. My overly excited classmates have died after looking at our scores.



They only need two shots and after this, everything will be finished. All I did was to run around and block someone else, I haven't even touched the ball which I'm thankful for.

Then the familiar whitsle ends and I almost collapsed on my back. Looking at the other side of the court, I saw Aifen cheering at her classmates while the group of Feng Mian played between them.

I walked slowly towards the other court, then I shot loudly towards my classmates in order to cheer them on.

Thankfully, the game ended without me having to shame myself. Walking to my class, I almost collapsed on my seat then silently slept since class has already ended.

I need to wait for Feng Mian...wait...

Hi people! A bit short and boring eh? Sorry for that people!

Anyways, thank you so much for everything!! For the votes and the reads! Thank you!


Thank you!

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