Chapter 50

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Infuriating me to no end!

We hopped off the bed and I welcomed the nice and toasty looking cookies in front of me. In the side where mugs filled with chocolate and some drizzle of marshmallows on top of it.

"Heaven!" I sigh in bliss as I sip on the velvety, chocolatey goodness. My other hand held a piece of cookies and munch on it.

Ah! This is heaven!

Eating delicious food along with a beautiful, gorgeous looking person, ah! What can I ask for!

My eyes and body has been rejuvenated and because of that, our lecture has started again.

After our tutoring session, Aifen's parents invited us to dinner. I wanted to decline but it seems like they don't take no for an answer so I got down the stairs and found myself seated on their dining room.

It was a long mahogany table, their chopsticks and plates are even woods, better quality than mine which is like the convenience store version whereas theirs are the restaurant type.

So we ate, well, I ate a lot while they looked at me dumbfounded before looking at me with doubt. My stomach was shrouded in mystery, to even get all of those food down my throat and fill my stomach is enough for questions to be raised, what more when I ask for another serving of rice?

I bet my mother would hit me with her deadly weapon- the hanger, she would be so disappointed to see me like this in another's house.

Well, the foods great- can't lie about that but can't also stop myself from eating it.

It's already six in the afternoon, the sun was already leaving the sky and creating this masterpiece they call sunset. I told them that I will go home, on my own when they shook their heads, especially Aifen's mother.

"You're a young lady, you can't just go home without an escort"

"Aunt Jin, it's okay honestly. I can protect myself-"

"Should we get you home?" Uncle Ying said which made me shake my head until I almost got dizzy.

"I have a friend's going to go with me" I told a lie to my darling's parents! No!

This is a sin!

But I can't let them take me home, they're professors and I know that they have a lot of work to do than to bother a seventeen years old girl capable of walking and asking for directions.

Besides, I came here on my own so I figured out that I can go home without anyone accompanying me.

"Oh, is that so? Be careful okay?" Aunt Jin said and held both of my wrist before embracing me. "Thank you for being my daughter's friend" she muttered lowly and released me.

"It's my pleasure" I genuinely smiled towards her, happy that she approves of me being their pure daughter's friend.

I left them with a wave of goodbye and walk out of their home. I had probably walk for about five minutes when a hand grabbed my wrist and I almost shrieked in fear when it covered my mouth with it's palm.

Then he lowered himself to meet my eyes and for a moment, I was pale as paper and then seconds later I find myself kicking him in his shin.

"Shi-ahh! What the actual hell Ying!" He groaned in pain while I looked at him with great delight.

Of course, seeing your enemy crumbling in pain makes you feel a lot more better.

"Why are you here?" I ignored his pain filled face and hatefully glared at him.

"I just wanted to take you home but sss- did you really have to do this?" He said while looking at me like a victim.

I once ignore him and walk away from him without any hesitation. He shouted for my name and limp to reach me.

" was your lesson?" He ask, his lips biting on his lower lip as he continued to limp at me.


"Did you even learn something?"

This stinky guy!

"Of course I did! What do you think I did there? Watch sappy teen flicks movies and munch on popcorn? No!" I shouted at him with my eyes burning in fury.

For a half minute, we walk to the station and went inside. Thankfully, it's Saturday today and there's not too many people lingering outside, still, the train is packed and we can only stand until some passengers left.

Soon, one woman left and I was about to seat on it when I saw an elderly lady, so I just give up the seat for her. Few minutes passed and I can feel myself getting impatient and moody, I think it's the time of the month.


Then someone tapped my shoulders and I look to see Wei Xiu looking straight at me eyes before nudging me down.

"Just sit here" he forced me to get down and seat, I can't believe that I didn't even snap on him.

"What about you?'" I couldn't help but ask then remembered that we're still fighting.

I can't believe I forgot that I'm still angry at him! Ah! I'm too forgetful!

"Hmph" I ignored him and looked at the windows, not long after, someone tapped my shoulders again.

I was about to tell Wei Xiu piss off when I have gotten a look and it was the elderly woman that I helped a few moments ago.

"You two looks so great" she said while I looked at my back and give her a confused look.

"You're a good couple" she said and I almost shriek at her words. What the?! How can someone even get us wrong! We're not dating, were friends or somewhat of that!

"Oh we're not-"

"Thank you" Wei Xiu interject that made my eyes widen and mouth slightly open.

What the actual hell?!

"No we definitely are not-"

"Sorry, my girlfriend is angry at me so ahh...I guess need to coax her again" he smiled and said those sickening words as if he had told it a lot of times.

"Oh, that's why she's ignoring you. Young girl, don't let go of this guy. I can see that he's someone that's perfect for you"

I couldn't help but lie to the elderly lady or else I'll be in jail for telling the truth to an elderly lady and make her die in shock.

So yep, I can only grit my teeth as I watch him in the corner of my eyes, his eyes were twinkling with amusement and his lips pursed up in a slight smile.

This stinky man! This will be that last time that you'll be able to bully me! My name isn't Xia Liu Ying if I don't take revenge on you!

So yes, all the way to my home, all I could listen to was the elderly lady telling me to not to resort into fights and wait for him to coax me, that I should be an understanding girlfriend for a nice looking man like him and that I'm lucky to have him as my so-called boyfriend.

And honestly, in my thoughts, I could already write a book called "How to kill Wei Xiu in 100 ways"

Ah! Makes me so infuriated!

Hi people! I'm sleepy, so much. Sorry for the grammatical errors, hope your forgive me.


Thank you!

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