Chapter 42

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It's hard to have a boy best friend- moreover a popular one

I thought I've experienced my worst days when I'm with Wei Xiu, turns out that my junior years are merely hot d'oeuvre.

The main meal has just arrived.


So imagine yourself being surrounded by the envious gazes of the whole women population, eyes filled with jealousy as they raked their eyes over my whole figure and judged by just merely standing behind their so called "Male God"

So that's my fault?

I didn't even asked for it, I mean considering the fact that I've been with Wei Xiu for years I really didn't feel that much star struck everytime I see him, it's like looking at a luxurious toy for years and is no longer interesting in your eyes.

After the teacher examined the length of our skirt, if our uniform are passable and face bare with makeup, we're free to go.

I distanced myself to Wei Xiu to avoid their prying eyes, still a bit conscious whether my uniform is wrinkled or if my hair is in a mess. I knew that they stared at me because it due to the bright halo around Wei Xiu, I still stubbornly lied to myself.

I really don't like- no- I hate how they see friends with different genders and think that there's something fishy about them.

How can people perception on us be so different from what we actually see! Do we look like we're holding hands, being lovey-dovey and kissing?! No!

How can they be sure to think that there's something going on with just a look? Argh! Seriously!

Now, we're currently at the gym listening to the principal's speech. I looked around subtlety and noticed a lot of new faces, some were familiar and some are not. I could see them getting bored at the speech, some had even dozed off which made me burst in chuckles but held it in.

Soon, the principal finished and we went to our respective rooms. I've seen my section prior a week ago, since it was posted on the school bulletin board before.

Me and Feng Mian are in the same class which made me shout in glee after seeing it. Unfortunately, I also saw Wei Xiu on my section which greatly dampened my mood that day.

How could he be in my section? He's supposed to be in the elite class not in my class!

Or did his brain shrunk after years of torment from my side? Thinking of that theory, I smiled in glee.

Well, one can't be always perfect!

"Liu Ying!" I've heard my darling's voice and stood on my seat, it was Aifen, who is dressed in her uniform like the goddess she is!

Even without any makeup on her face, she still exudes an adorable charm on her face and with her slim body, it accentuates the protectiveness in me.

"Darling!" I blurted the moment I saw her exquisite face and hugged her tightly. "I've missed you!" I said to her while she hugged me back.

We hugged in front of our class door and I didn't even care that we probably looked like two separated lovers and instead, I cherished our moment.

"It's too bad I'm not in your class" she said with her clear, bell like voice which made my heart aches for her.

"Aww, it's because you're an intelligent human being that can't be wasted, you're too talented to be overlooked at!"

She grinned which made her the most loveliest girl in the room. If I wasn't a girl, seriously, I would honestly date her!

She looked behind me and saw Feng Mian, she waved at her and looked at Wei Xiu. At that, as if sparks fly and the whole atmosphere had changed into a movie scene that made me snort in disbelief.

This foxy guy would surely entranced my lovable Aifen and would probably enslaved her with his oh-so handsome face.

"Wei Xiu, good morning" she said with a shy face, her cheeks blazing red as she spoke to him with a pure and sweet smile.

I almost want to beat his face when he smiled at her, albeit just a bit before it left his face, I still saw it.

"Now Aifen, let's get you on your class so we can get you after school okay?" I said, immediately pushing her out the door to stop their heartfelt gazes.

I feel like I'm the villain in the story when I'm fact, it was Wei Xiu who is the true witch who poisoned my dear Aifen!


Feng Mian on the other hand looked at her right and saw Ming Chen, his eyes a bit sleepy from his game and saw her gaze.

He smirked at her before giving her a wink that can crush any girls heart- only if it was just an ordinary girl, it would.

But not her.

She harrumphed and walked away from him, intending to go to Liu Ying when she was held by her wrist.

"You look a bit grumpy, kitten"

"I do, it's because you soiled my mood the moment you stepped on this school" she grinned with maliciousness and took her hands off of his hold.

Then she walked away with him walking behind her. The two of them were still and no words came from their mouths, only the sounds of chatter from the students filled the air.

Suddenly, out of the corner of her eyes, she saw a girl suddenly called out to Ming Chen and asked him something. Her face blushing as she talked to him while Ming Chen eyes curved into a smile behind his golden pair of rimless glasses.

She walked away with a slight anger on her face, her steps are a bit forceful when she was tugged in the sleeve by someone.

"What?" She harshly asked as she pulled her sleeve away from his hold.

"Ah, Feng-er, don't be jealous. I didn't really flirt with her, she just asked me for directions"

"Jealous? Ha! In your dreams!" She said and run away not before hearing the laughter on his tone when he said.

"I'll definitely dream of you tonight!"

Hi! So that's the first part of their new year in school! I hope you all like it!

Thank you so so much for the votes and the comments! It made my day!


Thank you!

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