Chapter 1

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Dixie D'amelio had a secret. She liked Addison Easterling, but that was not the only secret. Dixie had many secrets, almost her whole life was a secret. She was basically a walking diary, filled with secrets and untold truths. Everyone thought they knew Dixie, but little did they know she was hiding something, so sacred, and confidential, that if the truth were to ever get out everyone would be astonished, leaving their jaws dropped to the floor. Dixie didn't plan to unleash these secrets anytime soon, but she secretly hoped they would get out someday, leaving everyone astounded.

Addison was a sweet girl, innocent, and delicate. But underneath she was different. Still sweet and innocent, but she was also hurting. Addison's grandma had passed away recently. She was undeniably close with her grandma, they were so close that Addison's grandma was basically the mother she never had. Addison's mother had departed from life back when Addison was only 11 or so months old. While her mother's passing didn't affect her much, it still had an impact on how things would operate at the Easterling household. At the Easterling house hold instead of having Addison's father do all the work Addison's grandma stepped forward, and called it her duty to have Addison have a half-normal life style. So Addison's grandma had taken the place of Addison's mother, while Addison's father continued his stereotypical father work, He worked as a carpenter earning a decent amount of money providing for his family. He didn't need to work too much because the Easterling family had luckily been a pretty wealthy family. With Addison's mother gone she happily bonded with her grandmother as if she were her mother. Addison didn't take one thing for granted.

The D'amelio family was much different to the Easterling family. Dixie Never had too much of a close bond to her parents, instead she was much closer to her sister Charli. Dixie always new Charli had secrets, and Charli always new Dixie had secrets. They never really showed too much interest in sharing those secrets, but they loved coming up with insane theories about each other's secret double sided life. Dixie and Charli hung out a lot at home, they didn't speak to their parents too much. Whilst the D'amelio sisters hung out at home a lot they never really greeted each other at school, apart from the occasionally silent nod as they pasted each other in the school halls.

When Addison's grandmother had passed she was broken, and needed immediate comfort. She did not go to her father for support, particularly because they never really spoke, nor did she go to one of her other relatives because they had lived far away, but instead she went to her best friend. Dixie D'amelio.

Dixie D'amelio and Addison Easterling were each other's best friends. They were one of their grades most known duos, not because their friendship, but because of how stunning their looks were. When I say 'their' I don't mean both of their looks, I mean Addison's. Every boy in their grade wanted to call her theirs, because of her looks. Addison didn't really take too much interest in anyone though except for her die hard crush, Bryce Hall. Bryce didn't really appeal to Dixie that much. Dixie always thought he was manipulative and overrated. I mean sure he could be sweet, but Dixie always knew that he was only being sweet just so he could get a girl, then break her heart once he was sick of using her. Addison never really knew Dixie didn't like him all that much, but she knew that Dixie would support her no matter what. Addison and Dixie had been friends for a long time. They became friends in seventh grade, and now they are in year 11 (16 turning 17). They had only ever really been a duo, both of them had never really belonged to a friend group, which made them especially close. They always had invitations to join other people inner circle, but they always declined. Some of the other girls in their grade always thought that Dixie and Addison shouldn't really be a duo, because no one really seen much in Dixie. Dixie was a quiet girl, but she had always spoken to Addison. Even though Dixie was quiet she basically stood up for Addison, and took care of her when needed. So here is where the story really begins.

PS: I don't reread my work, sorry im lazy!

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