The final Chapter

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Hey, I decided to push out one last chapter. This should close the story as it is the final chapter. Sit back its my longest one I hope you guys enjoy! Thank you for reading! Remember you are loved<3 Have a great day (:

Chapter 20

(Dixies pov)

Great, todays the day. It feels like it took forever to get here. I pull out my phone and shoot Carlo a text. It reads "Carlo today is the day". He sends one back a minute or so later "Ok let's do this Dixie". Only a slight second after reading this text I felt my heart jump a little just a little, but I just pushed the feeling away.

Eventually I get ready and am now heading my way to Carlos house. It was super early in the morning only a quarter or so past five, it honestly surprised me that he was up. Well I guess that's Carlo for you organised. I finally arrive at Carlos. I knock quietly on the door trying not to wake his parents up. A few seconds later the door opens wide there stood Carlo. "Hey!" Carlo says with a smile. "Dudee chill you might wake your parents up." I whisper. "Nahh its fine their not even home." He replies. "Ohhh haha ok." I say. When then head to his room and sit down on his bed. "So were still doing a scavenger hunt right?" Carlo asks. "Yep." I state. "Ok cool let's do this!" Carlo exclaims.

(Addisons pov)

I lay still in bed tears running down my cheeks. I miss Dixie, I just wish she was here. She takes away all the darkness, and she brings me hope. How could I be so UHHHGHHG why do I always stuff everything up. I stuffed it up with Bryce, I basically got Dixie bashed, and I don't even think stranger likes me! Their probably just messing with me, its easy to mess with me, I am hopeless. More and more tears fall. I just wish I could restart, go back and change the past.

(Dixies pov)

After hours of work I and Carlo finally finish all the cards now it's just time to place them into their designated spots. We decide to split up so we can get them done faster. And before you knew it all the clues were placed. Now its Addison's turn to find me.

(Addisons pov)

All the tears were gone. I don't know what I feel now. But all of the sudden the doorbell rang. What the heck? It's almost 8pm who is at the house? I head to the door very confused. As I open the door all I see is nothing... Until I look down. A letter sits there on the door mat. I then pick it up and open it. It's a letter from stranger. I read it. Dear Addison look I know it's not the usual locker letter but I wanted to do this now. I'm just going to get to the point. Ok so your probably wondering how I got your address umm you will find out how I got it one day. Anyways so I set up a scavenger hunt for you. And there is something at the end, I just need you to trust that I am not a stalker, because that would be kinda illegal. Ok just follow the clues trust me and you should be good to go. Love stranger :)

My heart was racing, is this a good idea? Well what have I got to lose let's do this. Hopefully dads asleep and wont realise that I am gone. Wait what's the clue? Shoot it must be in the letter somewhere. After rereading the whole thing I still can't figure it out. Then I flip the letter over, and there is the clue on the back of course. I miss the days, don't you? We thought life was hard back then, but now we wish we could go back. Did you ever find your earing that you lost in the pit of sand? The pit of sand? Sand pit? That makes more sense, OHHH MIDDLE SCHOOL. Ok yeah I wish I could go back. I remember losing my earing in the sand pit a bunch of boys tried helping me find it. I never did find it did I. I start to make my way to middle school, and waking that way just floods back all the memories.

(Charlis pov)

*INTENSLY YAWNS* Uhhgh what time is it. OHHHHH what even is that question its clearly dunkin timeeeeee ( as always ). Umm excuse me why is my sister not in her room I think. She didn't even have the audacity to make me food how rude! Its fun she can't even make coffee as good as dunkins anyways. I leave the house and walk to our local dunkin donuts. Just as I am about to head in I see Avani in there. She looks really sad. I walk in grab my drink and head over to where she is sitting. "Hi." I say. She looks up from here phone with watery eyes. "Hi Charli." She speaks. "Want to go on a walk with me." I ask. She smiles and stands up. We leave dunkins. And I ask if she is alright, she just says she is upset about a few things. I WANT TO KISS HER SO BAD. But I won't... I can't.

I'm In Love With A StrangerOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant