Chapter 15

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Hey guys, thanks for reading, also remember you are loved <3 bye!

Chapter 15

(Dixie povs)

Addison and I had finally headed off to school. Just on the way out I had slipped my note successfully into my bag, the letter would soon be delivered to Addison's locker. Luckily had a plan to (hopefully) slip the note into Addison's locker without her catching me.

On the way to school Addison had talked about many things. Of course I had mentioned a few things on my mind as well. "Hey you know stranger dude?" Stated Addison. "Oh yeah forgot about them." I added trying to be somewhat clueless to the situation. "They have not been sending any letters..." Addison then responded look slightly upset. Acknowledging that the lack of letters she had been receiving disappointed her, I then decided to reassure her that I was sure that more letters would appear in her locker, she just had to give it some time. She then agreed still not seeming fully sure on the situation. My words did seem to lighten her mood a bit, I knew she could trust me. "Oh anyways I had met a boy named Carlo a few days ago, he is now helping me figure out who Stranger is." Addison exclaims. "Oh that's great Addy!" I say not fully meaning it. If Carlo figured it out then that would kind of ruin the big surprise. I wanted her to figure it out... Not him, not Carlo or whatever his name was. "Yeah it is great, I just want to really know who it is!" Addison says. "Haha I would too, but are you sure that's a great idea?" I say hoping I can make her depart Carlo and hers mission. "Dix? Why would it not be a great idea?" Addison says. "I mean what if the Stranger person wanted you to figure it out?" I say trying not to make it seem like I was trying to disrupt her plan. "I mean I guess, but I need help, especially because they are not leaving me any notes." Addison replies. "Hmm yeah I guess that's kind of fair." I add.

Soon the conversation comes to an end, I now find myself entering the school alongside Addison. We then make it to the locks now I had to act quickly. I grab the note from my bag hiding it under the stack of books I am carrying in my hands. "Hey Addison what's that over there!" I say just as she is about to open her locker. As she turns around I quickly slide the note in through the top of the locker. Addison then turns around and shoots a confused glare at me. "Made you look!" I say laughing, and acting as if I actually did pull a childish joke on her. "You suck Dixie, you really do." Addison say letting out a small chuckle.

Addison then opens the locker, a large grin spreads across her face as she spots the note. "Dixie!! Look they gave me a note!" Addison almost yells reaching for the note. "I really am always right." I say referring to when I was reassuring her about the whole empty locker thing. "Stuff you." Addison says still smiling at the note that now sat in her hand. "BRuh this AnOnyoMOUs pERson is annoying mE." Addison says after reading the letter. "What's wrong" I say. "They are such a tease!" Addison says handing me the note. "Haha." I say. The note was just a short sentence that contained the words "miss me? (:". I then hand her the note back, slightly proud of how I 'teased' her, which means she was obviously intrigued, or maybe was catching feelings, either way I felt happy with my self.

(Addisons pov)

Great, the anonymous person is a huge tease. Well great. Dixie then passes back the note, I stuff it into my bag. I then throw on my backpack and turn Dixie. "Wanna skip with me?" I say, not wanting to be at school today. "You really don't like school do you." Dixie says laughing. "Obviously, how can someone possibly like school? It is so boring. Plus I can just let my partner do all the work." I say. "Yeah sure Addy, you coming or what?" Dixie says walking off. I then shut my locker and follow after her.

We are now heading out the door, surprising today Dixie did not get any weird glances. I mean sure her bruises were kind of faded, but you could still see some marks. Anyways probably a good thing no one asked about it. "Hey Adds where we heading?" Dixie asks only just leaving the school gates. "We could go anywhere, if you want we could even go to the spot." I exclaim. "Ok sure why not, let's go to the spot.

We then soon arrive at the spot, still carrying our bags on our backs. We sit on the mossy rock and throw our backpacks off. The sun was hiding behind a few clouds. Although the sky was not clear the day was beautiful, just like Dixie. Jeez I need to stop. "Hey it's a nice day out side." Dixie says looking around and taking in the fresh air. "I was just thinking that." I say smiling.

Dixie and I chat for a while, although we still had much more time left to this day. "Hey Dixie, describe how you feel towards your crush." I say wondering what it's like to love from her side of the story. "Oh haha well, where can I start." Dixie replies. "Love for me is a emotion, actually no more than an emotion, love is like all the emotions combined. Joy, sadness, rage, and so many more. Love is honestly indescribable. I cannot explain why I would have so much desire for this person. It's like you know how you need water to survive, they are like my water. Love is not love if you don't hate yourself, or the person you fell for. You either hate yourself for falling for them. Or you just hate them because you fell for them it's their fault. Honestly I wish I never fell for this person, I wish I fell for someone like Griffin. Everything would just be so much easier. But that's not how love works, love is not easy." Dixie says.

"Woah Dix, that was kind of deep. I have never really thought of it that way. But it makes sense." I say still a little astonished at Dixies full on speech. "Dixie I love you." I say, her face turns a pale red. "I love you too." Dixie says. "whats with the red face?" I say. "I am thirsty" Dixie says then grabbing a bottle of water from her backpack. I raise an eye brow as she takes a sip of her water. "Thirsty? I which kind of way do you mean?" I say. Dixie looks at me and basically breaks into a fit of laughter, then spitting the water out practically all over my face. Water trickles from her nose, "Was it really that necessary to aim the water at me." I say. "Sorry I didn't mean to." Dixie says acting sad. "Aww its ok." I say. "sike." Dixie mutters. "What did you say?" I shout playfully then grabbing Dixies hand and basically dragging her into the pond. Sadly I also land into the water. Dixie looked so annoyed but was still laughing. "Well was it really THAT necessary to drag us both into the water?" Dixie exclaims sarcastically. "Yes Dixie, yes it was.

Sorry this was a boring chapter, sad anyways ty for reading. Ps do you guys actually want a lot of Carlo? he isn't really in this chapter. bye!

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