Chapter 5!

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Hey guys, this is an extremely short chapter, but I will try and push another one out ASAP. Remember to comment and vote, to let me know how I can improve. Tell me if you want any more characters, because I will probably be happy to add them. Also sorry about having Bryce in the story!! He kinda makes me a bit sick to write about, Anyways Hopefully You Enjoy!!

Chapter five

(Addison's pov)

It was a Friday night. Dixie was in my room sitting on my bed with me. Dixie had just had a massive breakdown thing, she was now preparing herself to talk to me about it. "I'm sorry" she whispered. "No Dixie it's all okay, now please tell me what's happening." "I am in love with someone. Like really in love with someone." Dixie stated. My mind started racing, I couldn't think of one person she would like, she never really showed interest in anyone. "Really that great! Who is it?" I said. "Well I want to tell you, but it's a secret." Dixie said almost smiling. "Dixie D'amelio why are you smiling, and why is it a secret?" I said very confused. She just smiled even more. "It's funny because you seem shocked, about the fact that I have a crush. And it's a secret because I like secrets." Said Dixie as she smiled even more. "Wow you like secrets now?" I say. "Addison you do realise you're really oblivious and that I have always like secrets, and I have too many that you couldn't count them all." Dixie said half laughing.

Then I released I was really oblivious and that Dixie never really shared secrets with me. I was a bit offended because generally best friends should share secrets, but I guess she just likes keeping them to herself I guess. "Wow Dixie D'amelio you couldn't even think to share a secret with your best friend?" I said pretending to be more offended then I really were. "I am sorry Addison, would you like to hear one of my secrets?" She said. "YES PLEASE!" I squirreled like a little girl in a lolly store. "Jeez calm down would ya!" Dixie said playfully. "Ok fine what is it?" I asked being very anticipated. Dixie leaned towards my ear and said, "My crush is hotter than your crush." I felt her warm breath on my ear which sent a shiver down my spine. My cheeks went a light pink and I felt slight butterflies in my stomach, I quickly pushed the feelings down and replied with "And whom may that crush be?" I ask. "It's a secret." She replied back slightly smirking. "Haha ok Miss mysterious." I said back.

We talked for a few more minutes then I realised she hadn't really explained why she was so upset, I assumed it was about her crush, but I still found myself pondering about why she was so broken up over a crush. Hmm. I still couldn't put my finger on a solution so I decided to ask her about it. "Hey Dix, why were you so sad, was it about your crush?" I asked softly. "Oh well, I was a bit upset about it because I was thinking about how they would never like me back." Dixie said with a slight frown. "Why would they never like you back?" I asked slightly confused. "It's just tha-"tears started falling before Dixie could even get through her sentence. She was obviously hurt, so I decided to drop the convocation and just get her to sleep, before she had a full on breakdown. "Hey it's ok we don't have to talk about it" I said pulling her into a hug. She looked me in the eyes and said "Thank you Addy." She said it was so much emotion, while having no emotion at all, it was like she was empty but her passion was full.

Soon later we were both asleep, cuddled up in each other's arms. But I guiltily found myself questioning who her secret crush was.

As I said this was a short chapter, but I will try and get another out. PS: who's pov do you enjoy the most?? I would love to know anyways thanks for reading See ya Later!!! (: Lol sorry Dixie do be emotional. XD

I'm In Love With A StrangerOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora