Chapter 10 || Date

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Kenma usually spent his Sundays playing games at home. There were the occasional times where Kuroo would drag him out of his room, and the rare Sunday practices right before a big match. Going on a date was something Kenma did not do. 

"Oi Kenma, lighten up," Kuroo called from his spot on the bean bag chair. Kenma grumbled in response. Throwing his closet door open, the boy shuffled through the piles of clothes he never bothered to put away. "No. Shut up." 

"Kenma," the third year gasped, putting a hand over his heart. "What's with the sudden hostility?" 

Kenma shot him a glare in response, finally digging out clothes, the boy walked to the bathroom to change. 

Kuroo knew exactly why he was so pissed at him. Not only did he suddenly force Kenma out of the house yesterday, but they also basically stalked Yaku and (y/n) and eavesdropped on their conversation. Kenma wanted to leave. They were invading (y/n)'s privacy and the whole situation just felt wrong, it didn't sit well with him at all. 

Not to mention the idiot almost got them caught in the act. You'd think that Kenma would be shocked after hearing the confession but no, it was Kuroo who was more affected by it and lost his grip on the bowl. Kenma had to hold himself back from throwing something at the male in frustration, that would only cause more of a commotion. They were lucky that (y/n) didn't go check it out or recognize their voices when they were apologizing. Correction, when Kuroo was apologizing. 

The two made a mad dash home right after that. Kenma spend the next thirty minutes pacing in his room, continually running a hand through his hair as he tried to sort out his emotions. He was frustrated. He didn't want to hear (y/n) admit her feelings, he didn't even want to be following her in the first place, and yet he felt relieved because he knew she felt the same way. But Kenma couldn't help but feel guilty. They weren't supposed to hear that. 

 It was a pain dealing with Yaku's nagging that night but Kenma felt some satisfaction in seeing Kuroo take all the blame. He most definitely deserved it. All Yaku said was that he ran into (y/n) at the store, he didn't expect the duo to follow them. 

Kenma sighed as he slipped on his clothes. He called (y/n) on his own accord, of course forcing Kuroo to go home before doing so. There was no way he was going to give Kuroo the satisfaction of watching that interaction. 

Kenma thought of avoiding (y/n) until Monday, knowing that they'd at least try to act normal, but he figured it'd be more of a problem if they didn't sort things out sooner. How Kenma was planning on doing that, he didn't know. He was surprised she agreed to go out in the first place. Not only did he stay up trying to think of things to say to her, but he ended up not coming up with anything. 

"Tell me how your date goes," Kuroo hummed as Kenma grabbed his phone and wallet. He reached for his gaming console and paused, deciding not to bring it today. The boy ignored Kuroo and walked downstairs, calling out a soft goodbye to his parents before he left. 

(y/n)'s house was fairly close and so Kenma took his time to walk there, actually, he walked slower than his usual speed to give him time to compose himself. It wasn't like his change of pace made much of a difference though, he arrived in under five minutes. 

Kenma didn't even have a chance to knock before he was pulled inside the house. He was quickly dragged to the living room and offered food and Kenma had to take a moment to compose himself. (m/n) threw questions at Kenma but never waited for his answers as she started going off on a tangent. 

(f/n) appeared not long after, greeting Kenma before telling his wife to calm down. It seems like the two were planning to go out today. Kenma didn't catch where they were going before the couple was out of the house.

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