Epilogue || Together

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warning: manga spoilers

"That's it for today guys. I can't believe some, actually, a lot of you stayed for the whole 48 hours," Kenma squinted, looking at the comments that flooded his screen.

'kodzuken!!! please notice me!'

'kodzuken looks so tired'

'i came a couple hours late but i watched till the end!'

'great live stream, heard about you from a friend. +1 subscriber'

"I'll see you guys-" Kenma covered his mouth as he yawned, his eyes stinging from his tears. "-in my next video. I think it's time I go to sleep."

Kenma let out a dry laugh, his eyes catching sight of the time and date at the bottom of his screen. Wednesday, 6:00 pm, 48 hours since he started the live stream, 52 hours since he last slept. "Yeah, it's definitely time for me to sleep. It was nice seeing you guys again, and thanks for watching."

Kenma gave a weak smile towards his camera, offering a lazy wave as he ended the live, his head immediately hitting his desk after he did so.


'lmfaooooo no way did kodzuken miss the end button'

'who else is gonna stay here till he wakes up????'

'damnnnnn hes really out like a light'

'yo do you guys think kodzuken wears contacts???? theres no way his eyesight is fine with all the gaming he does'

The comments paused as they heard three soft knocks coming from Kenma's side of the screen.

'holy shit did you guys hear that???'

'his assistant??? a family member??? a friend???'

The comments paused again as light flooded the dim room, the camera adjusting a bit before revealing a figure standing by the doorway.

(y/n) smiled, seeing her boyfriend passed out on his desk, his long hair disheveled and unkempt and his headset still on. She walked over to him, bending down to his level as she brushed the hair off of his face.

"Kenma, you shouldn't sleep here," She said, carefully removing his headset and placing it on his desk. He groaned, turning his head away from her.

"Kenma," she repeated, softly stoking his hair. She blinked, noticing the flickering lights on the screen. Turning her head, (y/n) eyes widened as she caught sight of the comments flooding the screen, realizing Kenma forgot to end his live stream.





"Hi everyone," (y/n) smiled, waving at the camera. "Thank you so much for supporting Ken-....kodzuken. You might not know this but he really likes reading your guys' comments so make sure you leave a lot, okay?"

Her smile widened as she read some of the comments.

'hi kodzuken's gf!!! you're so pretty!!!'

'please tell kodzuken that im his biggest fan'

'kodzuken really is the best gamer on this site periodt.'

Pancakes and Pudding «« Kozume Kenma x (fem!) ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now