chapter 3: The Plan!

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So after 1-2 hour text messages. Me and Jason finally got our plan set out and ready to go for this morning and afternoon of school, if everything stays according to the plan. Sadly through the night I couldn't get any sleep without my thoughts springing from one lad to another because you know in those moments where you have a devil on your left shoulder and the angel on your right, well folks, that was me last night with Jason on the left and Ben on the right because I want to forget Jason but now that me and him are starting to become more friendly towards each other he's starting to leave an effect in my mind which is causing this and I'm guessing the reason that Jason is on the left because he's more daring and courageous and just jaw dropping to look at where as Ben is...Ben. Well on with the day.

So it is the 16th April, and I'm already heading to school with dad. Mum staying at home Moshe can help my sister feel comfortable as she hasn't been back home for 6 months and we've sorted changed a few things in her room and plus mum says she does work better at home. so me and dad are just heading to Coffeebrucks drive thru because he did promise me yesterday that we would, to make up for the last minute changes which involved me having to think of a different way of getting to school faster and to burden my friend Alalah, sadly now I owe here for when I get a car and she needs me to take her somewhere (probably to a new shop) "So dad anything new with work recently?" 

"Well the team are training very hard as I have giving them a m ire difficult workout routine as we have a match with StoneGenge!" if you're wondering, my dad works as the Raundsshore rugby coach as he was a rugby player himself for the same team when he was younger and my mum owns her own beauty product which she first started in Ravencroft but then when she expanded to Raundsshore she chose to stay here because  that's where she met my dad at one of his games and now look what happened, two beautiful daughters. But on with the story.

"I know. When I watched one of there games, one of the players got called off for playing too rough so I would best advise your team to watch out." I said trying to reassure my dad of his team.

"Well if they stick to my coaching skills then they'll be just fine." he smiled.

"good because I wouldn't want my favourite team to not get into the state finals."

"True. Well we're here what do you want?"

"Hi and how can I help you?"

"Hi, yes can I please have a caramel whipped coffee, medium and a double Belgium chocolate frostino."

"Will that be all?"

"Yeah thanks."

"That'll be £3.20 please and you'll collect it at the bottom now have a good day." so after we paid and got out coffee and frostino it was time for me to get out of the car and headed into school where I'll be starting off Plan A.

So Plan A as Jason was telling me last night, that it'll be like a distraction plan, and in this plan he needed to know if I had a short skirt and a crop top which I did have and so my parents didn't catch me wearing something so "revealing " I put it in my bag, where I'll be taking it out in the girls toilets to get change. So then he continued with that after I got changed I would make my down to my locker but as I'm walking by because I explained to him that Ben's locker is a bit further up than mine I'll be passing him and from what Jason said, that when I pass him I should give a flirty wink and then flip my hair (not too big) but just big enough that he'll see over my shoulder, and from what Jason read online, this should immediately get his jaw to drop.

So I am right on que now because I've just gotten changed and already I'm getting the results Jason told I would with the outfit I'm wearing. Sadly its not from you know who but I can see him down the corridor. So as I'm making my way a couple more people give me a flirty smirk and wink until I finally pass Ben who I just realised is standing with Rebecca which is even better because her reaction will be priceless and a matter of fact it was because little miss Rebecca jealous just stormed and my my "I think you got a bit of a drool there Ben." then I carry on walking to my locker, to find Jason giving me a thumbs up because Plan A was a success.

Now onto Plan B. When Jason was explaining to me last night I was a bit unsure about what he said he'll do which is he'll put prawn flavoured sauce into todays lunch because going to Rebecca 5 birthday I found out that she was allergic to prawns, so he found that that would be an advantage as his parents eat fish a lot. So as he was saying, he would go up to the dinner ladies and ask if prawns could be part of the school menus as he remembers a truck load of them came last week and to help them follow through the plan he promised he'd help up clean the mess if anyway one gets sick which sadly will be Rebecca sorta, and from what I saw when she was 5, she will look hideous and that will hopefully get Ben to dislike her more.

~~lunch time~~

So Plan B was already in motion as I am looking at Rebecca now just getting a food."Oh here she comes start eating or look down at your food."

"Oh look at that a dog eating its own poop." Honestly you can see why I have to do this to her. "Hey Benny-Boo."*Rebecca kisses Ben cheek* Benny-Boo HA what a cringe nickname. "So are you coming by my place tonight or are we going to yours because my parents aren't home and I thou..."

"yeah yeah that sounds nice you" Ben as you couldn't tell wasn't really listening because he was paying too much attention to me. So whilst he was staring Rebecca had already had a bit of her lunch and damn her allergies really work fast.

"AHHHHHHHH" Rebecca screamed so loud that I bet even Africa could hear her."Someone past me a mirror QUICK!" so one of her friends past her their mirror with shaking hands. "AHHHHH IM HIDEOUS!" LOL so far this has to be the most funniest moment ever because she just ran off crying to the nurse which what seemed like she was wearing a pumpkin on her head. Then I get another thumb up from Jason who's now getting called to clean up someone puke. I don't know why but doing this sort of project with Jason hasn't really been too bad and who knows maybe we'll do another one of these things again in the later future.

Ans now we have our last plan. Plan C which I do find the most OwO. So before Jason explained to me the plan his face looked a little unsure wether to tell me or not so I told him it was ok and he can tell me anything. So he started telling me that this plan will take place after school and in the locker hall area again. In this plan there's only some few steps where Jason is just going to walk up to me put his hand on my locker and get close and I'm seemingly supposed to do that shy blushing girly thing and hopefully Ben notices and comes over stop it and says that I'm his. So its just go to my locker, see Jason, Jason comes over and does his thing and then hopefully Ben comes over. 

~~after school in locker hall~~

So I'm at my locker now just getting some books and putting away some books. But as I turn around I see there's no oh wait there he is coming round the corner and giving me a slight nod and mouths if I'm ready and I mouth back that I'm ready and just on que Ben is there walking with... Rebecca. But that's even more perfect because this will definitely tell her that he's mine and she can find another off limits man. So as Jason is approaching me and doing his thing I can see that he's getting a bit close."what are you doing?" I whisper.

"Getting close to you like I was." he whispers back.

"But isn't this a bit close?"

"Well yeah if I'm going to kiss you"



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