Date Night

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*Tylers POV* 

Tayler and Nate called Kellianne and myself downstairs after getting ready. She was wearing a really pretty black dress, and I was wearing a skin tight red dress. Kellianne did a full face of makeup but I just put on some mascara and lipstick. Kellianne walked down the stairs first then I was right behind her. We heard everyone gasp and we both blushed. Tayler walked up to me and Nate walked up to Kellianne and they gave us roses. 

"Here you go gorgeous" Tayler said handing me flowers 

I blushed, "Awwwe thank you Tay!" 

Bryce rolled his eyes, "Easy Cheesy" 

Tayler reached for my hand, "May I?" 

I nodded my head and grabbed his hand, "Yessir!" 

*Skipping past dinner* *2 Hours later*

We walked out to the cars (We took 2 separate ones) and Tayler opened the door for me, "Hey. You really do look gorgeous by the way." He said to me smiling 

"Thank you Tayler, you look really handsome! You guys didn't need to go all out like this, I would've been happy with a McDonalds dinner haha" I laughed, "But the steak was seriously the best I think I've ever had. So thank you." 

He smiled, "Of course. You and Kellianne deserve the absolute best so we had to make sure to get it for you two. Also, how're you feeling?" 

I waited for him to get into the car, "I'm good! Just a little tired but that happens sometimes" 

"Wanna head back to the house?" He asked me 

"Yeah, I'm good with that" I said looking at him

He reached over and played with my hand, I kept running his fingers over my finger pads. I'm guessing he could feel where I poked myself to check my blood sugar. It was nice being able to be around people, Bryce and Tayler and Cale, and not have to worry about hiding my diabetes from them. The only reason I hide it is because people assume its from being overweight or not eating healthy, or they baby you and its too much. Which Bryce and Tayler are wanting to be there to help, but it's coming across as babying me but they just found out so I gotta give them a break. We pulled up to the house and Tayler opened my door for me, we held hands and walked inside and went straight to the backyard with everyone else. 

"How was the date?" Jaden asked 

I smiled, "It was really good. Tayler and Nate did an amazing job!" 

Bryce laughed and drunkly said, "Did you enjoy my sloppy seconds Tay?" 

Tayler balled up his fists, "Keep talking out your ass Bryce and I'll gladly square up with you" 

"Let's go boy. I'll kick your ass." Bryce said looking him dead in his eyes 

They both stood up and started going at it, the other guys there made sure to get all us girls out of the way and Nate and Jaden ended up breaking it up. Bryce had a busted chin and bloody nose and Tayler had a black eye and busted lip. I went up to Tayler and brought him inside and we walked upstairs together. 

*Taylers POV* 

I got tired of Bryces' smart ass comments so we fought. I got him fairly good but he also got me. Ty brought me inside and upstairs to my room after Nate and Jaden broke the fight up. 

"Wanna sit down on the bed?" Ty asked me 

I smiled and rolled my eyes at her, "I'm fine Tyler. I promise." 

She came over with a wet cloth and some ice packs, "You can't let what he says get to you. He's Bryce. He says whatever he wants and gets away with it." She patted the blood off my lip and cleaned the cut by my eye and had me put the ice pack on my eye

"Yeah but he shouldn't get away with it. Especially with you." I winced with she cleaned up my eye 

"Oh sorry. Does that hurt?" She quickly pulled away and I pulled her close to me 

"Come here" We leaned in and kissed each other, I could tell she was being careful with my lip but I reassured her I was fine. We took a quick break so I could shut the bedroom door and lock it and we went back to making out. Her lips were so soft and kissable. We started laying down on the bed and I tugged at her shirt. 

Tyler grabbed my hand, "Hey. Let's take things slow okay?" 

I nodded my head, "Yeah. Shit. I'm sorry" 

"No don't be. I'm just not the kind of girl to hookup with someone the first night. I'm sorry..." She looked down 

I picked her chin up, "Hey don't apologize. Thank you." I kissed her lips and we laid down and just talked until she fell asleep. Good lord I'm in trouble with this one....

Thank God For TexasDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora