Overstayed My Welcome

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*Tylers POV* 

I woke up the next morning and Bryce was sitting next to my bed on his phone, I saw through the window on the door that almost everyone else was outside sitting on the chairs sleeping. I started to sit up and Bryce noticed I was up. 

"Hey Ty, how're you feeling?" He asked me standing up 

I yawned, "Right now? Not all that great to be honest" 

"I'll go get a nurse or your doctor" He said and he walked out of the room 

I laid back down and waited for the nurse to come in, "Good morning Tyler. How're you feeling today?" 

"I just don't feel good. Like it isn't as bad as yesterday but I'm nauseous, I feel really weak and my stomachs hurting me" I told the nurse 

"Okay. We're going to try and set up an exercise trial. We're going to monitor you closely to make sure you don't go beyond your limits, but our next best option is you working off the sugar and carbs you had." The nurse said 

I nodded my head, "Okay. Can I get some water and go to the bathroom?" I asked 

"Yes of course. We're going to get everything set up and come get you in about 15 minutes." She said 

"I'll help you to the bathroom and get you a water ok Ty?" Bryce said standing by me 

I nodded my head, "Thanks Bryce... You don't have to help if you have stuff to do, I don't want to take up your time" I got up and went to the bathroom, brushed my teeth, quickly rinsed off in the shower and changed and got ready to do the testing. 

When I came out, Bryce laughed, "I'd much rather be with you than doing anything else. I promise I don't mind as long as you don't" 

"Thank you. I really appreciate it. And while I'm getting that test done, y'all can head back home and I'll get a ride back with Cale or something" I said to him 

"No, it's ok. I can wait for you to finish up and bring you back home" Bryce said holding my hand

I pulled away, "Umm... Bryce... I'm going to head back home after this. To my house.... It's been fun spending time with y'all but I think I've overstayed my welcome and I need to get back into my schedule with work and training..." 

Bryce looked hurt by that, the nurse came in and brought me into another room for testing. I didn't say bye to anyone, I texted Cale asking if he could drive me back to my place after I finished up testing and he said he would and that he'd get my stuff from the house. 
I started running on the treadmill and I was really tired at first but after 5 minutes that went away and I actually started feeling better. They were monitoring my glucose levels and they kept going down and they kept me hydrated through an IV. After about an hour of running, my glucose levels were back within normal range and they ran some blood work and cleared me to leave. Cale was waiting for me at the check out area, I finished up all the paperwork and we headed to his car. 

"Hey thanks for getting me and taking me home. I really appreciate it." I said to Cale

He hugged me, "I'm just glad you're ok. You sure you don't want to keep hanging out with us?" 

"I've overstayed my welcome... I have to get back to working and training, I might be moving soon too but I'm not sure yet" I said to him 

"I get that. I'm heading to Florida for a family trip in 2 days, it's been fun seeing these guys but damn they party a lot haha" Cale laughed

*Bryces POV*

Tyler said she wanted to go back home because she had overstayed her welcome. I think it's more than that but I didn't want to push, so I didn't. I talked with Tayler about it and we got our AirBNB cleaned up, locked up and headed back to LA the next day. I know this is going to sound dumb, but I really do like Tyler. She's a really sweet and genuine girl, unlike any of the girls in LA. Kinda why I fell in love with Addison but she changed. All I know is once I'm back in LA, I'm partying like non-other to get Tyler off my mind. 

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