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"That little wench escaped" Akhim told me "What???!!!!" I shout at him "did you go look for her?" I asks and he nods looking down "this is what I get for trusting idiots to doing an important job" i shout at myself.
"I'm so sorry, my Queen.....I didn't mean---" he says and i cut him off "Save it! I don't care for your pitiful excuses and I promise I'd repay you. So take your reward!" I hissed then slit his throat and he fell down dead. I took the blade putting it in his hands then I got up moving a bit back from his body then I screamed

Immediately, I saw my dear brother come with guards "Ankhesenamun?" He calls out "Tutankhamun, he said he had betrayed you and couldn't live like this then he killed himself" I fake cry as my stupid brother brought me in an embrace "it's okay, it's okay" he reassured as I kept crying and he called the guards to take Akhim's body away. The scene had wrapped up with Tutankhamun taking me to my room, saying I must rest then we will go to lunch after he had done checking up on how the guards were doing on finding that stupid girl.

I can never let her be Queen! Never! If she ever comes back here, I will slit her throat just like I did with Akhim. Oh brother, if only you could see how foolish you are for taking that peasant girl as your wife.

Some time, I met up with Ay "he failed to kill her" I stated and he sighs "then we have to figure out another way to kill that girl" he says and we are in silence for a second before he says "there is a war coming and Tutankhamun says he will lead it, when that girl steps back in while and he is in war then you will kill her" he suggests and a smirk grew on my lips "good idea. I'm not letting some little girl sit on the throne, she doesn't deserves Tutankhamun" I stated ager boiling in me "nor does she deserves his heart" he finished and we share a look in agreement.


I have this gut feeling that this was played. Someone is playing a game and I oddly think it's Ankhesenamun and At but why? Why would they? I've trusted them since I was a boy, how could they plan against me? On the other side, I am worried about Catori, I don't know if she's hurt or not but I pray that she comes back unharmed. I was standing in front of two twins that I had now assembled them on an important "I have a very important job for you two. Can you carry it?" I asked and they nod without hesitation "good. I need you to get my future wife back, unharmed and not a single scratch, do this and you shall be rewarded greatly and so will your family" I say and they smile "yes my lord" they say in sync and I dismissed them and I watched as the two young soldiers who are my age scurry out the room.

I'm going to look for her till I find her, I won't stop till I find you......my Beloved......


"Catori" a voice calls out to me as I am in a desert all stranded "who is there?" I asked "who are you?" I ask searching for the owner of the voice "I am the one that sent you here" it answers "stranded in the middle of a desert?" I asked "Egypt" it answers "Why?" I ask still searching "For you to save Tutankhamun" the unknown voice says "but why? How? It's still a mystery on how he died, how am I supposed to know?" I asked "you will know little one" it says and everything started shaking

"Ummi!" I woke up to Layla shaking me "yes?" I ask "there are palace guards outside" she panicked "what? Palace guards? What do they want?" I asks as I lazily got up "they are searching for someone" I gulped. "Where is Jamila?" I ask "she is asleep but she is the least of our problems" she says grabbing my hand and showing me out the small window.

"Woman, where is your husband?" He sternly asks me and a wash of frighten took over me as I was shaking "he died in war while I had my younger daughter" i stated and after some time, he laughs "don't lie to me girl" he snarls "this girl looks nothing like you" he says laughing "she is my daughter, i have birth to her and I love her very much!" I argued.

"Is there anything else specific i can help you with?" I ask and he speaks "The Pharaoh orders all women to his city to look upon you" he says. I can leave them here "What about my children? I can leave them here, they mean the world to me.....can i take them with me please?" I asked. I was always the drama queen "fine but hurry up! If you try to escape.....may God have mercy on your soul" he says with his deep voice and I gulped then I ran inside and took Jamila and wrapped her on my back and we took some food from yesterday and some hard with water.

Days we've been walking and without no rest at all. I am proud of Layla, she is a strong little girl that hasn't compost all but I know her eyes are shouting the truth that she's tired "Layla, are you tired?" I asked and she shakes her head. Poor child. I find a way to carry her with my hip while Jamila was cooing on my back "is that better?" I asked and she nods "Yes Ummi" she says and lays her head on my shoulder.

This is going to be the longest walk my  entire life and I kept complaining on the Feild trips we used to take at school. The once naive me.

Half way, we were given a chance to rest. Some women were crying on how unfair this is and I feel do guilty, I should be the one suffering all this not all these poor young girls and women. I fed Jamila and let Layla eat the last of our food

Is this what a mother does? Sacrificing for her children?

She shared with me a bit and we ate, getting out strength and then our Journey continued because they said they would only let us rest now.

We arrived at the city, Thebes. How I missed it so much. Layla held onto my hand as Jamila slept in my back. I was beyond scared if he'd reject them so I prayed hard that he doesn't.

We arrived at the front of the castle where were standing in a line, Layla stood in front of me as I held her shoulders rubbing them to calm her because she said she never knew what the Pharaoh looks like and she is scared......just like me.

When Tutankhamun came out, I Didn't know what came over me. Excitement? Scared? Heart drumming faster? I don't know but I was overwhelmed, in what way, I didn't know but know that whatever it is, all these emotions were running wild and my stomach twisted more when he got to the bottom, looking at every girl and woman.

I couldn't face his eyes so I looked down. When he got to me, I felt his soft tender touch that picked up my chin, my eyes meeting his then he smiled and looked over his guards "Thank you, I have found what I was looking for" he says to the guards "you will be rewarded" he finished and they bowed "house the rest and take then back to where you found them" he ordered and the women were escorted out as they gave breathes of relief "Welcome back, Catori......and I see you have brought luggage with you" he jokes as Layla looked up at him then me and I chuckled then we went inside.

I was escorted in my chambers, immediately my chamber maids ran me a bath with the children and we all bathe and went to sleep instantly and I'm telling you.. I missed it so much......

I fell in Love with a PharaohWhere stories live. Discover now