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Feeling the morning breeze hit my black curls, wind dancing softly on my tan cheeks while I sat on a bench fiddling with a blue lotus flower watching Layla play with a grey baby kitten in the gardens.
Releasing a sight, my thoughts drifted to tomorrow as it's me and Tutankhamun's wedding. A day where I'll be a married woman...or in my case I like to call, a married girl. A day that I wasn't expecting to be so sudden, with no one to give me away. At least my biological parents with be here to witness it.....I hope....

"She's beautiful, isn't she?" I hear as I saw Ankhesenamun sit next to me "Like an orchid in the ocean" I answer as I looked back at Layla giggling as the kitten pounced on her "I want to apologize for the way I behaved the first time we met..." She starts then looks over at the small pond filled with lotus flowers "My brother is the only family i have left and I think as elder sister, it's my duty to look after him.......not let anyone break his heart" she says and I look over at her "I would never do that" I say and ignores me "Tomorrow, we'll be sister you and I....I think it's fitting to welcome you" she says with a sincere smile "We're Egyptians, people of art, culture and Happiness......I hope you find it here" she finished and gets up to leave "even if I become the Pharaoh's wife?" I ask "Second wife" she says and leaves as I take in everything she just said.
Well! At least she didn't be triggered when she saw me?

"Ummi!!!" I hear Layla call as she came over to me "Can I keep her? Please?" She asks and I smile "of course. But you have to give her a name though" I say and she thinks "What names do you have in your Time?" She asks and a smile curled up on my lips "How about Clover?"
"Clover?" She asks as she looks far in thought "that sounds pretty nice!" She says jumping and running with Clover, rolling on the green grass as I laughed.

Day went by fast and soon it was the next day where I was woken up early, got ready in hot warm water. I was dressed in a long white dress with a golden necklace with emeralds, rubies, you name it. I wore bracelets and a wig. After I was done, I left my chambers finding Layla play doll with Jamila as she coos back at her sister. These two girls are making me soft, is that normal?
Layla wore a blue dress with a golden necklace and golden bangles while Jamila wore a green dress with gold bangles and necklace "Watch them for me, please?" I ask Lapis and she nodded taking Jamila in her arms and Layla held onto my hand as we exited my chambers "you look beautiful Ummi!" She exclaimed and i giggled "thank you, you too"

Me and Tut walked up the stairs as the audience cheered. I was nervous, scared. You wouldn't understand what I'm feeling because I'm getting married to Pharaoh and getting Married to a Pharaoh is a lot of different then in my time where you put the rings and you say some stuff about yourself. No. This wedding there is no rings, no bridesmaids, no bestmans. Just me, the Pharaoh and the unforgettable blade "The sun God Ra demands us to begin the sacred ceremony!" The priest announced and the audience went wild as my hands are shaking, I'm surprised and shocked Tutankhamun isn't. He had a huge smile with his hands at his back with a fixed posture while I was shivering uncontrollably.
Ha! It would've been funny in my time, shivering uncontrollably in my wedding......oh wait! No, I wouldn't. Because in reality, my wedding involves bLaDe and bLoOd!

"Bring forth the blade for the blood whole!" He says and I shivered more. Oh no
Oh no
Oh no
Oh no
Oh no
Oh no
Oh no
Oh no
OH NOOOO!!!!!!!

This is just like one of my trips to the doctors office. except the doctor's office doesn't include a SEVEN INCH BLADE!!!!!! Okay, I need to calm down. I'm going crazy. My eyes were stuck on the blade as I shakily extended my hand and he cuts it as I looked away and poorer my blood on the tray and same for Tutankhamun. After the ceremony, Tutankhamun addressed them "My people! I give, your Queen!!!!!" And they went wild as I smiled.

The party went by fast and I fixed my now wounded hand. Yikes, that's going to scar but at least it'll look cool anyway.

At night, we retired to Tutankhamun's chambers, he closes the door and started kissing me passionately, tracing his kisses to my neck and I giggled "What?" He asks confused as our met and I bit my lip at his cute frustrated features "hasn't anyone ever told you, a girl's weakness are kisses on the neck?" I ask and smiles "Well I'm glad I heard that for the first time.....from you..." he says and kisses my lips. He undressed me, taking out my bracelets, necklace, taking out my wig and my curls bounced free, we ended on the bed.
Every kiss we take was like the shores of the beach, tides meeting the sand and it was so passionate that I felt so complete. I never thought I'd feel so complete so young but I am and I haven't even graduated!

"The things you do to me" I mutter out "what do I do to you? I wonder" "you like playing your charms on me" I say blushing and he kisses my cheeks "I live to see you blush" he states and and I flushed even more that I felt my cheeks burn up and saw him chuckle.


Waking up to the birds chirping and the morning breeze tickling my tan face as I felt a weight on my chest, looking down seeing Catori sleep so peacefully. Every day I fall in love with her even more. Such beauty. I moved a strand of her hair out her face and she giggles "has anyone ever told you it's the most creepiest thing to look at someone sleeping" she mutters softly with her velvet voice "not if I'm staring at the God's creation" I say seducing and she giggles making me chuckle and she winced as she look at her hand "it still hurts?" I asks and she nods slightly. I took her hand and kissed it as she looks at me and I looked at affectionately "better?" I asked and she nods cupping my cheek and kisses me "you want to go again?" I asked as she bites her lip. How cute she looks like that. "Lead the way then" I say and she giggles bringing the covers on us as she got on me till we heard a knock "My Lord, it's time for the morning report" "On my way" I tell Ay but we ignored him and carried on as she kisses me ever so sweet and tenderly till we heard the knock again "My Lord!" We sighed in sync "On my way!" I addressed him and Catori pouts "do you have to?"

"I'm sorry, my love" I pecked her lips then got off the bed as she dropped on it, rolling out then we ready together. We bathe together in the tub as our chamber maids got us ready and Catori keeps looking at me affectionately. She'll be the death of me, I just know it. She was dressed in a lilac dress with gold while I was dressed in a blue and gold attire.

After we were done, we left our chambers and Ay told us the morning report then we went for the morning meal......

I fell in Love with a PharaohWhere stories live. Discover now